HI!! I'm good, and yourself? *huggles all* Umm... Sorry, I don't eat chicken... And I've gotta go to Wal-Mart >.> ^.^''' Tidus is cool, though! *strokes feathers*
O.o Okay, so now Tidus is a chicken... All right, I'll go with it! ^^ I just came to see what you all were up to, 'cause I gotta go in a few.
That's awesome! I'm totally jealous, I love glow sticks!! Speaking of which, I think there's one in the freezer.. Yay! Oh, well, we watched videos on YouTube ^^;;; I just about died because the oldest kept wanting to watch High School Musical. (HSM + Macie = X_x) I agree, I love it when we have band concerts! But I gotta get offa here so my mommy can sleep. Talk to you tomorrow, and sleep well! *disappears in smoke and chokes* Dang it!!
Cool, cool! Did you have fun? For some reason I always like school at nighttime.
Actually... I have no idea what happened all day. I've been stuck... babysitting. *shudders* These children are ebil!! But I guess that just proves they're related to me! :p
*pops out of nowhere* Of course somebody is still on!! *looks around* Oh, I guess it's me, isn't it! Nyah ha ^_^ Wait, there's another!!
*yawns* Morning, guys. Yeah, that was Xemnas! I remember that one! Ooh, where can my room be?
Yeah, it's annoying. Night, Aerith, sleep well!
Oh, cool, cool! I hate how YouTube takes forever to upload your videos. *shakes fist*
Bye, HisNobody! Sleep well! Oh, that's cool. I dunno how to make one either. Wait, did you try going to http://www.myfastforum.org/? Really? What kind of fanfic?
^^ Whatcha up to, guys? >.> Sorry to interrupt you.
*waves* *muffled* Hi, guys. I just got back from teh dentist @.@ How has our day been?
FTW?! We're in Castle Oblivion? No wayz! New member time! Yay! I am lookaheartless, the Insane Child out of us. You can call me LAH, Raine or Macie if you'd like. We ish a very good familay. "Welcome to our happy flock." ^^^ (Man, do I love saying that!!)
Yeah, my voice is uber annoying, and my hearing may be a tad terrible, but I promise I'll listen! But, I'ma head off to bed guys! *hugs everyone* Sleep well, 'kay? Love you all! *disappears in smoke*
*huggles HisNobody* Night night! Sleep tight! X3 ACK!! Noooo emuness! Remember we promised mommy!
XD *ish clinged to* Yeah, it's just those kinds of moments...
-HisNobody- That is true! ^^ Oiii. I hate when your friends threaten you. It's like, "NU! I can't live weethout youuuu!" ^^^^ Yeah, personal experience, dun ask.
*waves to HisNobody & khchick* Just in case I don't get to say goodbye when you leave! Sleep well when you head that way, ne? Bye byez! And I will pray for him!
Hi, khchick!! Bye byez, KairiXRiku!! Sleepeh well when you get thataway!
GROUP HUGGEH!! *tackleglomps* I love you guys! ^^ And you are very welcome! I truly promise!!