Three cups of coffee in one hour omg I'm so hyper I could jump off a building aheeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh. O.O o.O XD Dx :3 T3T
Let's see.. Harry Potter 1-4 Lord of the Rings Star Wars Eragon TT- Trouble in Toyko POTC Shrek 2 Short Circuit
Robin clenched his fists as the ground shook, but was careful not to harm the yellow petal the girl had given him. The shaking grew more violent, sending Robin to his knees. He scrambled around, trying to find the girl, but to no avail.
"Axel, ya fat buldgin pig, make ME MY DAMN EGGS!!!!" Roxas grabbed a beer bottle and wacked Sora with it.
I'm sorry? :(
Sure! Let's go with that.
Eh, the movie could have had a LOT of improvements, but I loved it anyway. XD
......... I just ordered KHII Final Mix. O.o I'm surprised my mom let me get it. XD
T_T I shall kill you all with BAACONNNNN!
Roxas wacked Sora over the head with a fan. "You ******ed tricycle lady, give me back my ice cream!!!"
^....Yah. I love the moon. The best place to live, dude. T_T < Loves ducks V Will be a chicken killer someday
Pardon me for the typo... And I hearts the PANNNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA O.O
^ Ish very afraid < Lost the grammar hammar for a while V Is afraid of worms
The average American will spend 6 monthes of their lives waiting at the red light. You have microscopic bugs in your eyelashes. *twitch* 85 percent of men who cheat on their wives will die having sex.
XD Roxas is hot. That's pretty much it. My username never lies. XD
BaNd!!!! High school bandness can be so fun @_@
^ Reminds me of kitties < Is not an 8th grader V Thinks pancakes came from Mars
How are all these people becoming platinum members? T_T GYAAAAA. I gots to post more....
I want this bad. I'm totally getting Diamond. ^_^ *shmashes head on the keyboard*
Robin observed the yellow petal. Despite the weirdness of it all, he took the petal from her hand.