i was playing... but i have sold my account.. Name: Sephirothe Race: Night Elf LvL: 70 Class: Warrior Proffesions: Ench & Mining Talents: Fury Ralm: Chromaggus
Intro video: http://pulverize.smartvideochannel....B433ECA0275C4FA6991CC4F92C6C1FB4&v=mostviewed Hi & Welcome to the first Pulverize AMV Contest! We will jugde you after Effects, Rhythm, Style and Skills! You must add the AMV to pulverizes Smartvideochannel http://pulverize.smartvideochannel.com/ Or else your video will not be valid. You can pick any anime you want, Animation and video sequences from games are accepted as well. Making an entry is easy: Just E-mail the link to the AMV to: DJSeph2006@hotmail.com Then you have signed! Remember that the AMV have to be made by you! And the AMV must last Less than 5 min, and no betas! You can also find the videochannel on: http://www.pulverize.co.nr/ You can also pick your own Music! We will have a winner 1st may! If you have more questions you can ask in the comments or the Pulverize Crew at MSN Messenger! DJSeph: DJSeph2006@hotmail.com Ryko: Ryko_7@hotmail.com GinN: Xevilpkx@hotmail.com Ryutensai: awesomechris@sbcglobal.net ENJOY & Have fun! :P