Is it still possible to get the Org. XIII fights on proud mode? Sorry, but I kinda like HP and MP bonuses?
Is there anyway to gain more? Maybe you equipped "Exp 0"
What HP issue? Is it that your MAX hp is way low?
I was thinking the same thing. But thats the file he gave me.
Credit to libregkd 1 2 3
How come in the new scenes, it only plays the music and subtitles. No voice-overs?
I saw in the previews that in certain points in the game like accesing the new are in HB, that Sora's max drive and max life bar were very low. And this is while he's gliding. Is there a reason for the low life and drive bar?
Order tracking, although I wanna get me a little late. Critical mode will be hell without videos.
Thanks dude. I should have my copy late tonight, or first thing in the morning =]
Can anyone one do a katakana----->english tanslation for Sora weapons, spells, and all abilities, into a downloadable file please? :D
Thanks. But on wikipedia it says she explodes because of fire spells melthing bilzzards spells on her. Guess they're liars
Can anyone post a vid of this?
What is that "unusual" looking Keyblade from the Vexen battle?
I pre-ordered it. Dont care if it comes before the 29th, Ill have **** to do over spring break =]. Although Im hyped about Limit Form, Itll be hard to equip abilities
Evilman: I used the Master Form with Normal command in the final battles, I got to the Sora/riku ship battle, but Riku isnt there. And I press sqaure, and it froze
But shouldnt that overload the animation seqeunce?
Evilman, I have a question for you. When you put that Master Form code it, does it go t-stance for you when ever you jump, press sqaure, or change party members?
Alright, can I have it. Damn it, I cant wait 2 see your mew video.
I coulda tested it (oops) Evil man, is there a code to have the Master Form model with one keyblade?