Whoa!!! this Chain of Memories skin is amazing! Good job, Darky!
OOC: Seriously, DiZ and Mickey can't just come out of nowhere and knock Saix out and help Riku. I'm sorry, but really. at least explain how they GOT there. Diz cab't get into the dungeon unless he's let in by a cooridor of darkness or something.Mickey would have to put up a fight to knock Saix out. please. Bic: Xigbar saw the fight between the three. "That TRAITOR!" he said, and warped to a few feet away from Roxas. He quickly shot about 5 bullets at him and Riku, and warped to another position and repeated. "Darn it! I'm supposed to be baking cookies right now!"
It's a proluge, DoubleDude94, You don't respond to it...
Larxene Proluge... Larxene was incredibly bored that day, There was no one but her at the Castle That Never Was; All of the other members had missions to go on. She sat on her bed, throwing her tiny knives at an invisible target on the wall, until there was a noticably large hole. This was one of the many holes that had been made on her wall, most were hidden or fixed up to be almost unnoticable, but some were plain as day. All were caused by boredom. There was noone there to be mean to , or pull a practical joke on... "Wait..." she thought, "They don't have to be there for it to be a good joke!" So, who would it be? Saix, Axel, Marluxia? Then it hit her. The perfect idea! Demyx... She didn't have to sneak over to her victim's room, since no one was there to catch her anyway. She quickly got inside, and saw her target: every little plushie, every stuffed animal, stacked neatly on the bed. Larxene threw them all on the floor, every single one. She hid some, but most were just spread out in random positions on the rug. The Savage Nymph spotted it: The cutest, fuzziest stuffed animal Bubble Boy has. She stuck a tiny knife in it's side, with a note attached that read: "Hope your day was as marvolous as mine!" She didn't sign it. When she got back to her room, she saw something very strange. Where the about 20 knives were stuck to the wall, They now spelled out, "LARXENE" but noone was there to write it. She sat back down on her bed and thought about it, until she heard a screech from across the hall. "MR. SNUGGLES!!!" That made it all worthwhile. OOC: I'm SO mean! XD "Bubble Boy" is the name my brother and I call Demyx.
"Good one, Roxas!" Xigbar pointed out to the blonde standing next to the now- calmed-down Saix. "but you might want to put that down now." he pointed to the claymore which was still in Roxas's hands, and noticed Saix starting to glow...again. "NEVERMIND!" he yelled, snatched the claymore out of Roxas's hands, and beat saix with it, almost knocking him out. Then he dropped the claymore, which instantly dissapeared, and rushed to help Demyx make cookies.
Well, with a Battlle Royale thred it might be a good idea to maybe begin with less than 30 characters, but we'll need all of them for the battle to begin. we could like, put what happened before the battle, what each character did before it was even known the battle was going to happen. And, most importantly, how it all started.
Get your pet Organization member today! XD
Whoa, I didn't know the Organization XIII Members were all red X-es! my brother will have to see this! XD
Very true! Being a fellow artist, I just wanted to give a few tips. The upper part of the leg (Before the knee) and the lower part of the leg (Below the knee) are of equal length, and both match the length of the torso. The head 's length should be about the same length of the foot. Exept on Sora, who has huge feet. The elbow is just above the waist, and the fingertip is a few inches before the knee. you should be able to fit two heads atop the shoulders When drawing hair, remember the size of the head.(This happens to me sometimes) not a lot of this applies to your drawing, mainly just the hair part. Some constructive critisism: The head's too small, and the neck's a bit too long. The shirt should'nt stick out That much. But other than that,this is awesome! Hope this helps! XD
"Sure!" Xigbar said exitedly and snatched the cookie from Demyx. "Hi Roxas! 'SUP HOMIE?!" OOC: Sorry, I couldn't help it. its aright, Jade
"That's nice," Xigbar said, slightly weirded-out by the fact that demyx was trying to steal the soul of a.. my little pony. Demyx was weirder than he thought. "So, um, you got an extra cookie?" EDIT:OOC: Sorry, Jade Rhade posted whitle i was typing this post.
"Wait..." Xigbar paused before walking through the cooridor he had just made. "Where are they again?" He wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing. Actually, he had a better idea. Wiping out the portal he had just made, he opened a new one. This was going to be fun. He stepped through the portal and found demyx. Right there, walking in circles and talking to himself. In the lowest, most spooky voice he could, he said, "Demyyyxxx..."
Teh D-pad on the Wii-mote and the A-button could be used for the menu. I never liked the idea for the Wii in the first place, it ruins the point of gaming: SITTING AROUND PRESSING BUTTONS! I MEAN, WHAT BEATS THAT?!?!?! okay, j/k. But I still like old-fasioned button-pressing better.
~when you do most of this stuff, and arent embarrassed about it.(NOT me, who gets embarrased about EVERYTHING.) ~when yo have DREAMS that include anything having to do about KH.(..me..) ~When anything having to do with KH takes up 50% of your thoughts or more.(ME!) ~When you notice your cat looks like a heartless.(SHE DOES! She's black with yellow eyes!) ~When you cosplay the fight against roxas with your bro using anything available.(ME, wrapping paper rolls) ~When you have made a paper Kingdom Key out of a wrapping paper roll and some construction paper(Me) ~When you are a fan girl that knows EVERY characters name, not just the ones you are a fan girl of.(Me) ~When you have gotten at least 2 of your friends into the series as well(Me) ~When you want to be a character of KH for halloween (Larxene for me.) One time I had a dream, where I was in advisory, and my teacher told us to write down whatever came to our mind about guinea pigs. Strangely, the first thing I wrote down was "Kairi", and then I woke up. Does Kairi have a guinea pig? XD
Xigbar lowered his gun. He left to look for these "friends" of Riku's, but not before giving a smart remark to Riku. "Be a good boy now!"
Xigbar actually felt like torturing someone, so he pointed one of his guns at riku and said, "You might want to, like, listen if you don't want a bullet in your side." He also whispered to Saix, "Are you gonna start asking him questions, or what? It's getting kind of, like, boring just standing here." OOC: Were there too many "Likes" in that?
I really liked the gameplay of KHII, but I liked Chain of Memories Storyline better. KH:CoM was way too hard for me. XD
I... I can't beieve anyone would do that. I'm almost crying. It takes A LOT to make me cry. This is the most DISGUSTING thing I have ever heard in my entire LIFE. OMG...
How 'bout an average human? I'm 11, and all my friends are taller than me... I'm 4'9
ooc: OMG I'm SO sorry I havn't posted in this. Xigbar jumped in. "yep, we don't need one of those again." he said to Saix, right in front of Riku. "Who's that kid?"