"'Don't panic'?" she repeated, a little shocked by these news. "But-..." she didn't know what to say. She sighed in despair, and buried her face into her hands. How could she not panic? Not only did little Kuri get kidnapped, but she almost died from being hunted down. What would happen to her little,baby girl...
Wait... where is Baby Kuri? D: "Huh..." she asked,still dazed. Looking up at the older Kuri who came up to her. "Oh... Okay..." she said, rubbing her eyes in a tired fashion. Then, suddenly realizing something, she jumped. "Where is Kuri?" she asked. Before the older Kuri could answer, she walked up to Sora. "Where is our baby girl?" she asked,worried.
Meep. I'm lost. What happened? o.o As far as I know: Sanji is in the Past Sora is trying to wake him up Mikix and Deporax are afraid of Karura Sada is unconsious...still. And... Sanji luffles Sada? O.o Confuuuuuuused... D: But, I shall attempt to post nonetheless. x3 Sada's eyes fluttered open. And she was in the same place Sora and Sanji were. "Where.... What..." she murmured, feeling very dazed. 'Where are we?' 'What happened?' 'Where is Kuri?' So many questions to ask... So few came out... "Where...Where is Kuri...?"
He growled, being revealed. The hacked as his neck was suddenly grabbed. He couldn't break free. "Alright!Alright! I'll talk! ....." he thought for a moment, trying to remember. "I left her in the park, by the pond. She was unconsious, but alive. Under a tree, next to the pond." then he smirked evilly. "Oh, and you better hurry. I hear our Organization is after her."
The man paused, hearing his name. But pretended he didn't know what he was talking about. "'26'? What the hell? Who are calling that?" he asked, turning to look at Sanji.
"Git off me, Shrimp." he growled. Pushing Sora to the wall, his hand on Sora's throat. Holding him above the ground, pretty much. "Listen, and I'm only gonna say this once: GET.OFF.MY.DAMN.CASE." he snarled, before suddenly dropping Sora and walking away.
He shrugged. "Not sure. But we have five eye-witnessed that say he was at the park around the time of the kidnapping. " "But-" "Take them out." he said through the intercom. The five suspects were led out of the room. She glared at number five. It was him. He had to be. Not looking at anyone else, she walked out of the room in a hurry. Towards the hall where they were being led through. "Where is she?" she asked him. He didn't answer. "WHERE IS SHE, DAMNIT!" she asked again, louder. He slapped her across the face, sending her to the ground. "Look, lady. I don't know where yo daymn kid is. And even if I did..." he smirked evilly. "She'd be long gone by now." he laughed, and was led out. Sada just stared at the ground. Hurt,both from the sting from the slap, and in her Heart. They had just let the person who kidnapped their child free.
And so,they went to the station. At the line-up, the five suspects lined up: 1- A black, muscular man. He had a fat lip. no, it wasn't him. 2- Hispanic, strong man. Looked to be eighteen. Too young. 3- Caucasion. Muscular. But, his hair was different. 4- Another black, only Darker and not as muscular. He's out. 5- Caucasion. Muscular. A long scar on his face. "It's him!" she said, pointing at him through the window. The police officer gave her a baffled look. "Him?" "Yes." "Sorry,Ma'am. He was in the park at the time."
You mean the plot? Okay. Kuri just got kidnapped,blah. They go to the line-up. The guy is there, but Sada was really the only one who got a look at him.A good one,anyway. She says it was him, but the police say that he had an 'alibi' at the time of the kidnapping. Where will they find Kuri? ....you'll see. x3
Hearing a girl's voice, she looked up. And turned to face the teenaged Kuri. 'That's what my little girl will grow up to be... if she isn't killed first.' she thought, then stood up shakily. Slowly moving over to her, Sada hugged Kuri. "Please...help us..." she murmured sadly. ------------ A week went by. Amber Alerts, signs, everything. But the little baby was never found. The phone rang suddenly. "Hello?" Sada asked after picking up the phone. It was a police officer. "Okay....We'll be right there." then hung up. She turned to the other three. "They found a few suspects. They want us to see if we can identify him in a line-up." she said.
"No..." she whispered, feeling the tears come to her eyes. Rain fell through the broken window. Another flash of lightling struck. "No..." she whispered again. She buried her face into her hands, and just let the tears fall out. "No... No, not Kuri...Not our little girl..." she sobbed.
Uhm... the man already escaped. Sora. XDD I have a plot. And...you will see. x3
Sada looked back to the man. Without warning, she ran towards the baby's room. Practically pushing him out of the way.She wanted to get Kuri and protect her from him. Feeling she was not safe in her room alone. The room was silent. Dark, and silent. "Kuri?" she called in softly. She could make out a figure in the shadows.They were standing by the crib. "Kuri?" she asked again, more frantically this time. A flash of lightling from outside revealed a man's face. He looked gruff, and mean. A long scar on the side of his face. He was muscular, and wore a tight tank top with camo pants and boots. He was holding the little girl. "Kuri!" she cried out, running to try and save their child. He pushed her down to the ground, and escaped out the window. "NO!" she cried out. The man had just kidnapped little Kuri. See, I had a plot here. After watching CSI: yesterday, with a child predator with two little kids missing. x3
"What? WHy?" she asked, shocked. "What would they want with Kuri? She is only two years old!" she said.Before turning to Sora. Seeing how he would react.
Gah... too confusing. Dx And Kuri is a girl. XD She sensed the man was behind her now.And moved away from him. "Stay away from Kuri! She didn't do anything!" she said. glaring at him. Not hearing Sora's response to her compliment.
Ian,please... no GMing.... >> Sada smiled softly as Sora took Kuri to her crib. She slept soundlessly. Sada giggled a little as Sora stammered. "Aww,thank you..." she said, before her eyes began to examine his new body. "You...look even better... than before." she said, blushing. Sora's baby fat was gone now.With all the fighting and such. She stared wide-eyed at the man who was demanding their names. Then watched as Sora went into Anti-Form and knocked him back. "What is going on?" she asked the man.
She smiled warmly as well, as he held his little girl for the first time. "Yeah...." she replied, puting one arm around his shoulders, and resting her head on one. "We do." she smiled at him, before gently kissing his cheek. Kuri yawned, feeling sleepy now. "Aww.... looks like it's nap time for a little girl." she said.
"Nuh-Uh. She looks like you." she denied, sticking her tongue out at him, playfully. Then smiled. Kuri stared up wide-eyed at her Daddy. After a moment of staring and silence, her arms reached up, her hands moving in a grabbing sort of motion. And she uttered her first word. "Daddy..." Sada smiled brightly. Kuri's first word. And she had accepted Sora as her dad. She handed their little girl to Sora,and Kuri giggled once in his arms.
Haha. Hey, nice to see ya, Ian! :3 -glomp- Anyways... Yus. I need to draw a pic of Kuri. x3
She sniffled a little, before he wiped away her tears. Her eyes closed as he kissed her. And she kissed back. How she had longed for that feeling again. To be in his arms, again. Again, the silence was broken by baby sounds. Sada broke away, opening her eyes part-way. Smiling softly. "You have to see your little girl. I'll go get her." she murmured, before standing up and running to Kurisataru. The little girl sniffled a little as her mommy picked her up, and gently carried her outside of the room. She found Sora again, smiling. "Kuri..." she spoke softly to their little girl. "This is your Daddy." she finished, looking at Sora. Wanting him to come over.