Just uploaded Chapter 8. Take a look please!:D
Lion King has been given so many awards... it's by far the best Disney Movie ever made:D My grandma has in on Video so I was watching it all the time at her house, now I have the special edition DVD with "Morning Report" I think it was Lion King that made me intrested in the music of Elton John, he's amazing! Can You Feel the Love Tonigth (the movie version:p) is the most beutiful song in the movie. I also like "Just can't wait to be king" Did you know that Lion King was the first Disney-film (if not the first cartoon at all) to be dubbed in zulu? The producers figured as it was set in Africa, they had to dub it in that too:D Finding voice actors from local schools and such.
Do you have a picture?:D
Maybe not in the games, but they should definitely marry some day:D And then have twins, one blond girl and a blond boy, and name them Namine and Roxas:p
Yes that one's perfect:D Thank you:)
I live in Europe, in a country no one cares about and a town close to Trondheim that no one's ever heard about, in a neighbourhood far away from anywhere which the buss company forgot existed. I hate my home:( (The country no one cares about is otherwise known as Norway)
I'd take Roxas' blades, Oblivion and oathkeeper. (They're my fav keyblades in the game as well, I once equiped Sora with Oathkeeper and Oblivion in valor form only so he'd have the same weapons as RoxasXD)
I got home my new "vacation hamster" this weekend:D It so happens since I attend to an agriculture school, I'm allowed to take home certain animals during vacations. My first such animal was a syrian hamster, who nearly passed away in my hands:( I loved that hamster so much, and wasn't sure if I wanted to bring home another one, but did all the same:P Here's the old one, Houdini, who passed away in January. He got his name because as a kit he disappeared, we alll thought he was dead untill I found him in a bird cage six weeks later:p Later on he turned out to be the laziest hamster I've ever known though:p but he was such a sweet boy! This is the one I have now. She's supposed to be staying with me for a week, but knowing me... it may turn out longer:p I call her Lilly, her real name is "Lille GrĂ¥" (Little Grey) so Lilly:p She's still a little nervous, I'm trying to find a snack she likes in my pile of hamster snacks (I have a lot of hamster snacks), currently I've tried banana, dog biscuits and salad drops, but she's not been very keen on them. Could be that she's still a little nervous of my hands though.
Japanese fictional characters are often given their name for a reason. Take Naruto for example, he's named from one of the ingredients in his favourite food (Ramen):D I found several ways to translate the names of Riku and Kairi. Riku as well as meaning land or shore, means "Agony of seperation" and Kairi mans seperation. So maybe that's why they're always apart?:p (It also means beaver, nautical mile and dissociation, if that means anything to yah)
I'm not sure where this would fit... if its misplaced just move it. But the thing is, I'm working on a coverart for my fanfic, and decided to draw all the main characters in it, BUT I'm a little bad on drawing the characters, so I need some referance pictures. I found every character I need now, except for Mickey Mouse. I want a picture of his regular outfit from Kingdom Hearts 2, not the black coat. I've tried Google but I seem to find everything except for what I'm looking for. Any help is appreciated:)
All dubs are evil:p I prefer the japanese versions all the way. Now about the worst dub I've ever seen is Digimon the Movie, not sure who dubbed that one... the norwegian dub is too awful for words. You can't even hear what the characters are saying for most of the time, the voices are horrible and everything serious has been replaced by meaningless nonsense.
Keep pushing the eject button. I don't know but it works for my PC's DVD-drive.
Koalas are wild animals you know;) and any animal can attack if you taunt it. I should know, I have a killer rabbit on my hands:D
Considering that KH3 isn't coming out in a few years I'd say the chanses are pretty big it will be for the PS3. The PS2 is getting old, and there probably won't be much new games for it after the PS3 comes out.
Sorry. Didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to show something too:o
I've seen some of those on Deviantart. I used to make lots of Naruto fanarts myself. Here are some: I tend to draw the characters as animals, so in the last panel... that's what they are, Sasuke is a cat, Kakashi is a rabbit and Naruto... a fox...what else? Also features my own pets, and Zakura's son Fuzzy as Orochimaru's pet. And btw, did any of you ever wonder WHY Kyuubi attacked Konoha in the first place? Here's my theory:
This is my first serious attempt at a (serious) kingdom hearts fanfic, so don't murder me okay?;) Takes place after KH2 It is basically about Sora turning into a heartless, and now his friends (Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Mickey Mouse and even Roxas) have to go save him. The fic can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3388371/1/ I'm currently working on chapter 8, comments would be nice:D Coverart: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/49758459/ (I can't copy the picture into the forum)
Sora VS Roxas.... aw man I want that game so bad!
If it ever comes to Europe I must have it!
Thanks. Yours is cool too:D