oh dear. my cereals are stale.
i like cereal i like trix i like lucky charms i like coco puffs i like captain crunch i like frosted flakes i like cheerios i like coco pebbles i like honey bunches of oats i like fruity loops i like cereal i like cereal i like cereal i like cereal now you're a horsey
by sunday i'll post some winter formal pictures =DD
i got a date for winter formal !! =DD i got my dress and my shoes and yah. hehehe, i'm excited.
i've been to tennessee for this chic 2006 thing. anyways, i live in hot and lazy southern california. the real oc.
oh darky, no matter what you are i love you! it's good that you let it out and i think roxas wanted you to tell people for a good reason. peaz <3
sora: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!! *rams his keyblade into ground*
HAHAHAHA funniest thread ever <3
eh. yeah. i guess it's cool. :D jk, it's good but definitely not your best which is in my sig at this moment.
YEYEYEEEEAH gangstaas. yeah that was the last house, ceepa sipa? whatevs. that was crazy with the worm thing.
yeah i guess so. it's just that sometimes i feel like i know you guys more than the people i see everyday.
i'm not joking when i say that this place feels empty now. i haven't been coming on for a while but i check in every now and then.. but now it feels as though there is no purpose for me to even come back here at all. obviously i'm not going to like "leave forever" it's just that i'm actually sad that someone who i've never met or spoke to or even friended online is gone. it's almost worse than having someone you actually have touched, hugged, spoke to, leave and move somewhere else but you can still contact them. but now this is like someone who you have barely met but still admired and learned from and it just stops. you will never find out where they will be in 10 years, you can't learn where they're going, what they love, who they love. it's like a permanent goodbye. man i'm so depressed that roxas is gone. it's killing me and i feel like i need to CRY or scream or something. what the heck, i feel really empty.
um basically i'm crying. roxas you made this place what it is and i'm serious when i say that i'm so upset at you that you're leaving. you need to like keep writing okay? and seroiusly send me the battle royale final mix if you ever finish it, i hope you and your band go far. even though i've never chatted with you/what-not, you always seemed so (with absence of a better word) cool and i hope that the persona you place here at kh-vids is what your real personality is like in real life. you're going to go places. good bye, good luck, good life<3
i knoooooooooOooOOoOOOOoooow. dude house is the coolest guy evaaa. did you watch the latest show? i can't believe the next one comes out in 3 flippin weeks.
silencio!! lumos!! avada kadavra!!!! bad boy bad boy. watcha gonna do. watcha gonna do when harry potter comes for you.
so many prettiful peoples. makes me feel soooo happy.<3
i like me so much. i like it sooo much!!!<3 :D :D :D
oooooooooh my. roxas is banished? haha i like that word better than banned. anyways, roxas.... roxas?! why? vyhy???? i feel so... sad. :)
bye cin. i love you so much. i'm going to cry. right now. fjapfhspafsa.
brilliant. props gangsta.