I'd have to say Mari's is better this time, but how come every time you two have a cometition it's so hard to choose?
I'm drawing The Kingdom of Oz: Organization XIII Edition! This is what I what I have done so far! Ansem~Oz Larzene~Lullaby Leage (the girls in the tutus!) Zemnes~Wicked Witch of the West Axel~Flying Monkey Now I need help picking three more Flying Monkies and I need one Organization member to be in the Lollypop Guild! Help me pick!!
I played clarinet for 4 years and now I'm singing in the chorus. I have about two octives so I can sing sapprano or alto. (lolz I'm a Sapprano!!)
Rouge loves bunnys!! They're just soooo cute with they're little noses and long ears!!:D
Aaaaawwweeee!! Their sooooooo cute!!! I really like the kitty with the hearts!! :D
Thankies everybody!! I'm going to start a Kingdom of Oz Part 2 as well. It'll include.. Ansem~Oz Xemnes~Wicked Witch of the West Larxene~A member of the Lullaby Leauge Demyx~A member of the Lolly Pop Guild Marluxia, Axel, Luxord,Xaldin,Xigbar,Zexion,and Sai'x~Flying Monkeies (RFOL!! XXXDDD) I don't even know where this came!!:D Wait, I don't even know what I'm thinking half the time! Oh well!
yay I have fans!! Misty they're drawn PowerPuffGirl style!!!! XDXDXD
Awesomeness!! Rouge love them!! *huggles* I'll have to put them on tommorow though. T-T
*blush* seriously I'm not all that pretty. You're the second boy that's called me that! Cronoking is the only boy that's called be cute. So this is new to me!
Yes it's the Kingdom of Oz!! I drew this on Christmas. It's Sora, Kiari, Riku, Roxas, and Namine dressing up as Wizard of Oz characters. Here's who's who....(I made them the character they are for a reason.) Sora~The Scarecrow Kiari~Dorthy Riku~The Lion Roxas~The Tinman Namine~Glenda, The good witch Toto~Heartless So tell me what you think please!!!:D (Sorry it got cut off at the top! it's suppose to say 'Umm...Welcome to..')
Some words do but other words like a ss and h*ll don't bother me.
Yay another new friend!! Just follow the rules and youll be alright!! Just reamember to have fun and I'll see you around!! :D
yeah I got it for Chirstmas. It was awesome and ranks up there with Phantom of the Opera on my list.
2099 We had a class discussion on that when I was in 6th grade. Personally I would want to get older. Cause if you don't get older you're not really living you're just there.
Their both really good but I'll have to go with Darky's.
yay thankies!! I drew Namine back there like she owned then cause she sort of guides them through their journey. Sort of like how a little girl with act out a story she made up with her dolls. (get it?) oh and Misty I'm really glad you like how RIku looks! His clothes took forever to do cause of the vests and patterns and wrinkles.
Yay I'm your first customer!! username: Rouge Angel92 Sig size: unknown Stock:linky linky Sig text: Painful Aftermath Color Scheme: Dark colors. Mainly red EDIT: Sorries one more! :o Sig Size:unknown Stock:clicky clicky Sig text: Chisa Color Scheme: Whatever looks pretty. :o
God I know what you mean Roxas!! What Hurts the Most~Rascal Flatts I'm working on an AMV with this song in it.
Sorries! :o Thanks for moving it and I'm glad you liked it. I'll try and post more pictures later.
I got bored and I had aways wanted to draw this but never got around to doing it. So, what do you think?