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  1. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen chuckled. With Marluxia losing his speach, the woman was having trouble remembering that he was still a grown man. "That's right, you can't speak." Well, how about we go to the garden. Then you can see the flowers? Nod if you want to go."
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen had no choice. "I'm sorry." She stood up, flower in hand, and walked to the door. "Thank you both for your help!" With that, the blonde walked out and into the hall. "What do you want to do now, Marly?" She looked to the child in her arms.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen realized that there was an awkward silence in the room. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are Marluxia and I imposing?" She wondered if the two love birds Axel and Demyx wanted to be alone. In truth, she wanted to be with other people. She was not sure if she could handle Marluxia on her own.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen chukled. Atleast she wasn't worried enough to stop laughing. "Thank you, Marly." She was glad that the little flower could speak. "You spoke!" She hugged the boy.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ~tReAh867~
    "Oh, thank you." Vexen took back the credit card. She had completely forgotten about it. "Did you guys buy much." The question was empty. She really didn't care to know what they had baught, but she was making conversation.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ~tReAh867~
    As much as it killed her, Vexen said, "You don't have to eat that now if you don't want to." She caressed the little flower. "Just hold on to me." She did not want to make him do something that he knew would hurt them all. She only hoped he knew what he was doing.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ~tReAh867~
    As much as Vexen feared what would happen if Marluxia grew back, she wanted him to eat the candy more than she wanted a heart. Please, take the candy and then we can sort through everything together.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ~tReAh867~
    "My flower.... is that all you can say? Why?" Vexen's worries came back. She hugged the child closely and kissed his forehead. "Did he say anything else?" The woman wanted to get to the problem once and for all. She wanted to fix it and have her normal Marluxia back so that they could live happily.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ~tReAh867~
    "Papa?" Vexen looked to Axel with an inquisitive look on her face. She chuckled. The young one seemed to have adopted her as his mother, and Axel as his father. I just hope that doesn't have to turn into anything...

    "Why are you saying nya? What do you want to say to me?" The woman looked at the young child.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ~tReAh867~
    "Oh. It's alright sweetheart." Vexen hugged the child lovingly. "Is everything alright? Did you have fun with Axel and Demyx?"
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen walked into the room to see Axel on the floor with Demyx at his side and Marluxia in his arms. "I was looking for that little one." Vexen smiled, her worries quelled for a moment. The woman kneeled next to the trio. "Thank you so much for taking him with you to the market and watching over him." She said this, giving Demyx a very grateful look, knowing that he did not like children.

    Vexen turned her attention to the child. "Hey, Marly. How are you feeling?" She caressed the little guy's pink hair softly.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ~tReAh867~
    is the registration thread closed? cause if not everyone who has not registered and is still interested in doing so could just go and register now. we could advertise a bit more and get everyone more involved and try to get this thing to work. it sounds like a lot of fun.

    i think all you have to do is go read how to register and then pm your registration to someone... it says who in the thread. so if you guys are still interested and there has been nothing saying you cant continue to register, why not try to being this thing back?
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. ~tReAh867~
    i guess i know what you mean. people need to work through their differences and learn to see the other person's side of things. differences are the cause of many of today's problems, not because they are bad, but because people dont seem to know how to handle them.

    i can understand if a couple is just totally going in different directions, i.e. one person wants to travel and never have children and the other wants many children and to settle down... but some things can be worked through.

    im not so sure if this is exactly what you mean...

    anyways, the major problems with differences are those rooted in race, culture, religion, politics, society, and lifestyles. people need to learn to understand one another, differences included.

    also, out of my own interest, what caused you to bring up this subject?
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen was walking the halls. She had a sudden urge to find Marluxia. She had checked the kitchen and had had no luck in finding the child. Since she had last seen him go off with Axel, she decided to check the fire boy's room next.

    Vexen walked to the door, her dream still fresh in her mind, and knocked. "Axel, hello? It's me, Vexen." She waited, hoping that the anxiety she was feeling was just a result of her over-worrying.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ~tReAh867~
    change is evil... so no... word...
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen was flying again, and this time Marluxia, the big one, was flying beside her. They were holding hands and smiling, gliding over a landscape of flowers and trees. On there chests was a light, glowing like a beating heart.

    "Marluxia, we did it. We have hearts now." The feeling of complete happiness overtook the scientist. Then, from behind came a shadow, crawling closer to the pair. Slowly, it englufed Marluxia, and then attacked Vexen, taking her heart and leaving her to fall to the ground.

    Screaming and crying, the nobody desperately attempted to save her life, though her struggle was in vain. As she breathed in her last gulp of air, she hit the ground and...

    "Ahh!" Sitting up in bed, Vexen felt the sweat trickling down her neck, back, and body. She was breathing hard. Slowly, she examined the room and herself to make sure that what she was seeing was reality. "It was only a nightmare."

    With this the young woman stood up and walked into her bathroom. She hazily stripped off her clothes and got into the shower, letting the cold water clense her body.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ~tReAh867~
    I would be fairly interested... word...
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. ~tReAh867~
    Being around a child all day was more exhausting than Vexen had originally thought. She sighed, making her way to her room. She walked into her lab, ignored the chaos in it, and walked right into her room, plopping on the bed with fatigue.

    The woman curled up in her bed and did not even bother to undress herself before falling right to sleep.

    OoC: Thanx, Mari. I feel better now. I'll be trying to post regularly, though school is starting up again and I have TONS to do...
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ~tReAh867~
    "You have friends now. You have me." Vexen said this inbetween mouthfuls of vanilla icecream. She had not eaten any sweets in years and she loved it.

    "You've always been sneaky haven't you?" Vexen laughed and served herself seconds.

    OoC: I know that was not very good, but I'm in a hurry and have a migraine. I won't have much time to post in the next week or so. So, Mari, if you need to play my character a little bit, feel free to. I won't mind.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen made microwaved both dishes so that both nobodies could eat. She thought about the question Marluxia asked her. "Well. I would like for you to be bigger. But I understand that you being bigger could be dangerous. So I don't mind either way."

    The scientist smiled and served both dinners. She and the little flower sat and began to eat. What the girl did not include in her answer was that she loved him romatically, and she could not if he was tiny.

    OoC: Last post tonight cause I'm going out! Happy New Years!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Dec 31, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home