GO DIE IN A HOLE!!! ALL OF U!! u ppl r impossible :P
i kinda think dwatch hates me... but anyway hi ^_^
has got to b kairi hands down
nuh uh yondaime pwns all!!!!
um this is a well known fact that reno and axel have the same voice actor some even think that axel is reno's nobody oh and btw I <3 Quinton Flynn!!
so over the last few days my friend and i have been in a huge (somewhat stupid ) argument over this Who is better?: Yondaime or Neji so i have decided to let all of u help us decide
remeber ur santa thread well that proves you have learned the way of the gangsta i gave u ur pass in school remember
i vote for me and tallian gee i wonder y? well sry but our gangsta reading was through the roof and you know it XD *strogly considers changing vote to cin/roxas*
ya know that song is from LazyTown ya i saw it this sumer when i was babysiting my little cousins *hears song and dies* thanks for that
its the truth it was what he wanted and he got it i mean he is still around the other places (*cough* my forum*cough*) so its not like he just disapeared of the face of the earth so ya know whatever shure i wish he was still around but he isent and thats not gonna change (but i do love telling the legend of tallian tis fun)
i can do that 2.... burpin contests over skyp r fun right axel
uh... i can touch my nose w/ my tounge(sp) i dident know that was weird untill i found out nobody else in y family could do it .............
i did say my obviosly biased opinion
*sigh* tallian is perhaps (well in my obviosly biased opinion) one of the best members this site has ever known his althogh he posted everywhere if you wanted to know him will the spamzone was where to find him but tallian was a true spammer and it got him in trouble alot until one day he couldent take it anymore he became angry and decided that it was time for him to make his exit so he went out with a bang he began a spamming tirade he no thread was safe from his awsomness and he had only one goal to get himself banned many begged him not to go myself and XxAxelEightxX included but he had already made up his mind... he was banned later that day but you can still find the posts that he left behind tallian created a legacy that will never die he did eventualy regret what he did to some point but he acepted what he had done he even apologised specificly stating that he wasent asking to come back thats just the way things r .... ^see my husband is a legend beat that! basicly or friend who created this thread needs to get real if this was coming from crono maybe but still no
my midterms r in late january i have three in one day THREE!!!
dude we have an midquarter report coming out the day before the holiday "merry christmas mom im failing spanish ^_^" ya that goes over real well
says who???
that i wont deny but the title of awsomnes belongs to tallian chuck is worthy of a title much greater
no awsomeness=Tallian u know it
*cough* picture stealer*cough* hiya Ki-chan