RUFUS TOTALLY ROX MY SOX!!! (sorry, couldnt contain myself :p ) XDDDDD
wonder who i'm gonna vote for... oh, who am i kidding? go twi and ruf!!!
OOC: aahhh!!! it started! Riku reads the note and walks inside the house. So I'm gonna be stuck here for awhile, huh? He walks out to the garden where he finds furniture everywhere and other housemates already gathered. I should put my bed in one of the bathrooms. That'd be awesome... :p OOC: im weird. i know. :D
i know how you feel, Dimetrix. for me it is either Naruto, Bleach, or FMA. One Piece is cool too and i was a big fan of Dragonball when it first made the scene. AAARRGGGHHHH!!!!! this is torture!
hmm....that Riku sig looks familiar. where did you get the idea to make it like that? hmm...i wonder...:p :D
i was in a spamming mood...
Waly World! the place where that stinkin happy face :) follows ya everywhere (it doesnt like shoplifters). shopping at Walmart is great... :p
i need a job too. i dont have one. why else do you think an 18 year old college student spends so much time here. or maybe i need friends? well, one of the two. XDDD yay! ruf's back! i cant get over it.
i dont think twi's at school. he said he'll be away for the weekend. (his gma doesnt have internet access) but who knows where he is now. ???
XPPPP at least it wasn't the whole week! :D twi would flip if he was on. he missed his wifey dearly. almost as much as i missed me sis-in-law. *sniffles*
RUF!!! *cries happy tears* i'm glad you weren't locked in your closet! (its not fun :D ) welcome back! *cries some more*
Welcome, Hilltoploser! posts lots, and all that other stuff. btw, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! :D jk
"Yes. Yes I am," Mindy says with cookie stuffed in her cheeks. OOC: so lame... :D
Errr.... I should have never said I had a crush, especially on an imaginary guy. I thought for sure David was gonna say he had a crush on some girl. We've been friends for years, I thought I knew him better. Arrrrgh...I don't know if I'm even mad at him or myself anymore. Mindy jams another cookie in her mouth. OOC: its lunch, for the meantime...
Here I Go Again by Casting Crowns (possibly my favorite song of theirs)
good. i'll sleep better knowing 1 less person hates me. :D
OOC: thanks "Are you trying to imply that I'm heartless and incapable of caring?" Well, he seems ok about it... "Cuz it is true." She smiles at the joke.
i hope youre not mad at me, Guxas. i said "she" not she.
"Hey, you guys asked if I had a crush on someone, not if I had a husband scoped out," Mindy says trying to lighten the subject some more. OOC: bedtime, bro, sorry.
"Both. I'm not going out with either of them." That was the wrong thing to say...