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  1. RPGgamer
    OOC: Yeah, no duh. TOTAL BLACKMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 >: D. I have an evil mind sometimes. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. RPGgamer
    OOC: You never know, maybe they do, somewhere private of course. I wouldn't know since I ain't in high school yet.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. RPGgamer
    "Eh? What's that noise?" Ale asked. He turned around to come face to face with some dark thing. "What the heck is that thing?" He asked. The little dark thing jumped at him. Ale saw his heart float away. Then he slowly started to fade away. The last thing he heard was Arlene, screaming or something

    OOC: Rouge Angel, you don't have to scream, you can yell or something. BTW Vivi, why not be Demyx, you told me you wanted to be him, since Larxene, and Saix aren't open.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. RPGgamer
    OOC: o.o... er....-_- nvm then.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. RPGgamer
    Just to annoy Vivi. HI!!!!!!!!! SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahah >: D I'm so evil to my friend. jk, I just wanna do that, it's fun XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. RPGgamer
    OOC: Probably... you'll probably find out in High School
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. RPGgamer
    it went and tickled Sora! (still random thinker XP) Then...
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. RPGgamer
    OOC: Yes, Ukali is the one I was referring to. You're supposed to go to class now :P

    Arlene made it to her class just on time. 'Phew!' Arlene thought to herself. She took a seat in the classroom. She had defensive skills first. She waited a couple of minutes for the teacher. Until the fire drill bell went off. 'Axel.' Arlene thought.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. RPGgamer
    OOC: o.o ur....whatever

    Arlene looks around. 'Hm.... I wonder where everyone is.' NO one was around, probably since school had almost started


    'oh well, time for class.' Arlene heads off to class.

    OOC: I'm reserving Saix for a buddy, but if she doesn't come soon like in about 2 months, then I'll have to let someone else play him. BTW, someone is already playing Cloud, before both of you. Remeber to check all the posts, since I'm pretty busy with homework.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. RPGgamer
    OOC: Pretend you're following Xehanort, but you're still panicky
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. RPGgamer
    OOC: o.o I already knew that. -_-' I checked the thing.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. RPGgamer
    HOnestly, I say Axel. Demyx is a wimp, he's only hard to defeat cause of his stupid water clones. Other then that, Demyx can barely fight at all. (no offense to Demyx fans XD)
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. RPGgamer
    OOC: You know what, I just saw some thing on Spam/Playground that said Rufus supported straight, which i don't understand, cause he doesn't.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. RPGgamer
    978-I agree with Misty MIghty
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. RPGgamer
    976- I like your new avy Rouge Angel
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. RPGgamer
    :D Nice new name. Shikumaru (Is that how you spell his name?) is a pretty good Naruto character. :D
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. RPGgamer
    OOC: Yes I know Ienzo wouldn't do that, but, he knew about the heartless, and plus that fact that Xehanort turned into a heartless, makes him panicky. Anyway, we're supposed to follow Xehanort, and then he kills all the assistants with the heartless, or Xehanort is just crazy, and will turn into a heartless soon. XD I dunno, talk with Dark Roxas to see what he likes better.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. RPGgamer
    OOC: I don't want to know -_-
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RPGgamer
    OOC: Narrating him again

    Ienzo just stood there. He was real dumbfounded right now. "W-w-w-w-w-what a-a-a--are we s-s-s-s-supposed to d-d-d-d-do?" He asked again. The other assistants looked at each other, and all said "Xehanort has gone darkness crazy." together at the same time.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RPGgamer
    OOC:Pretty good. You're doing good on the AkuROku thing, but still a little gross.

    Zexion looks around. 'Hm... wonder what to do now.' Zexion thought. He looked at his schedule again, then put away his book and schedule. Zexion went over to an unoccupied place. Zexion waited there for a while, then headed towards the drinking fountain. He stayed there to wait for Demyx. 'Where is he? I told him I promised that stupid drink.' Zexion just continued to wait for a while.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home