"Cloud, tifa and I were at his house when he saw a shadow devil. He followed it to the woods. We followed him too. roxas and cloud told us to run but we (tifa and i) insisted to fight. As the fight was going on, he turned into his dark side. He was so angry w/ all the neoshadows so he fought them all yet they still kept coming. He saw a connector, that connects this island and the darkness, and jumped in it to destroy it. He was successful in doing it and all the heartless were gone. We saw him lying in a crater. He seemed dead at that time. after a short silence, there was a light that surrounds his body that made his body levitate. As he was levitating, we saw that he was disappearing slowly. His body went down, collapsing, cloud noticed that he was breathing, so we took him at his house to rest." namine said to the demyx. "we really thought he was a gonner..." she added. There was an awkward silence. (OOC: i'm bored so that's why i made this long post!)
862 -just a little bit further............
"i guess ure right but first i have to tell u something...." namine took a deep breath, "roxas almost died two days ago...." she said to demyx
"Bye!" yuna said to him. "okay, that was weird......", she said to herself. she went home and did her assignments too. she turned on the tv "i wonder why riku went off in a hurry.", she said to herself.
"your house is much closer to the school than mine!", yuna said to riku. "can i crash at your place? my mom and dad isn't home until 9:00 pm and i'm all alone at the house. so can i?" she asked.
Larxene listened to the assembly "no classes at 1st preiod, yay!" she said to herself. she went to demyx "hey demyx!" she said to the sitarist.
namine saw demyx faint. she rushed over to him, "oh my god! hey demyx, are you okay?"she said but he was still unconscious, "Demyx please wake up, please, please wake up! you just got to wake up!" she said trying to wake him up.
4 what is the first thing sora saw in traverse town?
"oh....., hehehe" yuna said while blushing. "come on.....", she offered a hand and helped riku stand up. they were walking through the park, "so riku, where's your house??", she asked him.
"okei", namine helped demyx in the resto. after 6 hours of customers being a pain in the butt they finally finished. "whoa, what a day huh, demyx?", she said to the tired sitarist.
"you fainted, that's why. why are you saying my name and lalalala-ing?" yuna asked riku
"huh??" she said. "riku...." she speechlessly said
yuna saw riku fainted. she rushed over to him, "hey, riku are you okay? wake up, please wake up!", she said while shrugging him. she saw the smile on his face "why is he smiling??". "please wake up!", she said
to all yaoi fangirls: take a look at this! - i got this at deviantart.com
namine got the call from demyx, she turned the tv off and rushed to demyx's resto. she saw the place full of people oh, crap..... she saw demyx and went to him, "need some help???", she said to him
-hey, rpggamer, isn't this just like hahannuh's Kingdom Hearts High School? well, anyways i wanna join! Character: Kairi Age: 15 Schedule: -Magic Skills -Music Class -Special Abilities -LUNCH- -Offensive Actions -Defensive Actions -Combo Moves -Team Moves Weaponary: Keyblade Appearance: school- regular-
the giant heartless three at boulder at the three of them. sora is the only one who dodged. he almost killed the giant heartless but....