SE made FMA? OOOH!!! And considering SE's anime work such as FFVII: Before Crisis (one of the best anime I ever saw) I say do it!
I heard this song on another AMV which rocked my socks off, so I decided to do it. ENJOY!
I'd love to see a Kingdom hearts anime. But 4Kids should keep their fat, grubby hands off it.
851 To count to 1,000,000 silly!
Yar I do. But I just use Fire, Blizzard and Cure. I don't know why they even put in the other magic. Reflect and Magnet? NO WAI!!!!
WHY!? 839
NO WAAAAAAYY!!! (yes, this is his last words. Even though it doesn't appear in the subtitles.) What is the keychain on the Oblivion keyblade?
Yeah, it's definetely Blade. Morpheus doesn't have hair. Must've left it in his momma.
Sweet ***. Thanks a lot! kk
I don't think we'll ever find out if we are not alone. And, it's clear that we aren't, so I think we shouldn't go around opening Pandora's box all the time. Say, we do find proof (REAL PROOF). What then? We might all die! So, unless something big happens, I'm just going to live like this.
Gee, I don't know. Vaan? six words
I don't like kissing in video games/anime/cartoons All it turns out to be, is two pixelated, colourful people, pushing their lips together. And it's just a sorta 5-year-old kiss. No tounge. We never see tounge!
Who the crap is Kyle? BF? Thought so. Cheering up? Hmm.... YAAAAAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ...he always cheers ME up!
Could you be kind, as to make meh a Sephiroth one? Thank you please.
I don't get why even girls would like Yaoi. It's just wrong. Yuri = <3 Two guys kissing and making out should just be banished/banned/forebode/sinned/cursed/destroyed/demolishe/killed and finally tortured. (although in most Yaoi's there are torture. So, that keeps me happy) Yuri is just freakin' hawt. Yuni on Rikku? I WOULD SO GET THAT!
Shikamaru He's everything I wanted to be. He's just SO great
Hearts? What does Donald do to Hades if you beat the Hades cup?
Sweet, I like water. Water rocks. Text: Samurai Font: You pick a suitable one, plz Text Colour: Red Outline Colour: Black Position: Ummm....inside...the my sig....I don't know what you mean! If you could do this, then I would be greatly appreciated. Origatto! *bows*
I loved that intro song to Lion King? You know? The guy screaming. Made me love Lion King from the start.