i have nothing lol
holy crap!! *grabs shot gun* shoot the dark dude *boom!*
1.dont have homework 2.im never bored 3.i barley go outside and im skinny
um heres my i made it up name-ultima attck power-all power magic power-all magic power how long it is-77 inches were to get it-in my world descreption-it will defintaly kill you lol
make me one were roxas and sora is fighting and it has my name on the bottom plz do that in black
plz show me a tour of how to make a siggy or how to post a pic plz im dieing to know plz plz plz!!!!
plz tell me if the picture shows up if it dosent plz tell me and show me how to do it
oblivion do you play club penguincause i havee a friend on there named oblivon
heres a list of characters you love --------- sora rikku karia kingmickey donald goofy axel roxas demy ---------- those are most of the characters you might love tell me who you love.
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how do i get my sig when i do it says your thing is 3.0 and the forum limit is 2.3 plz tell me or post pics of what to do i perfer you post pics plz help me!!
k kraqzykiooioooing HOLY CRAP!! what the heck did i type
fine i dont are just close this thread roxas or *sora*
i was riding my bike doawn an empty trail from school i passed bye that littile door just sitting there waiting to be opend i got off my bike and grabed the doorn know BAM!! the door slung open. when i got in there was three doors that lead to 3 games. there was kingdom hearts,final fantasy and spider-man2. i entered kingdom hearts i teamed up with sora,donald and goofy. sora had a keyblade,donald had a littile weapon and goofy had a shield but i had 2 keyblades. we went to pirate lane and there a giant pirate jumped out of the ground FIGHT!! yelled sora. i stabbed the pirate in the eye but sora cut off hes leg and blood spilled everwere and the pirate callapsed. thanks said sora no proamblem i said then i vanished to the game room. i went into final fantasy and thats were everyone is your enemy. i grabed my sword wrapped it with a burgandy red bandage and went off. i won many fights but thats when it happend he stabed me right in the chest before i vanished i cut off hes head with blood in my face i spit the blood and vanished. i went into the spiderman2 and i was swinging so high then i heard a song singing spider-man spider-an dressed like a spider but is a man look out here comes the spider-man ummm... ok i said there was a collasel HELP!!! the guy was falling i shot web and he got caught in the web. oh no!! my web has stoped i fell and vanished. i got out of that door and went home on my nbike how was your day my mom said oh it was a normal day i said or was it? part 2 game room is upgraded? coming soon. !
im leader of gangstas and thats final and you aint really married to tallian your only married to him on a computer lol i declair me the new boss of gangstas so there!!
yay!1 (kisses jessica simpson) how did you get here?
yep so you wanna be a gangsta?
since tallian got banned i annouce that i am the new boss of gangstas