i'm pretty sure someone's taken Kairi, so i'll be: name: Trinna age: 15 looks: http://s34.photobucket.com/albums/d...Girls/?action=view¤t=WindyBlackHair.jpg personality: smart, kind, good fighter, determined ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trinna noticed Axel and Sara. "And I'm Trinna. You wouldn't happen to know anyone by the name of Sora, would you? The king sent me after him. He said that him and a few friends," Trinna paused and thought. "I think their names might be Kairi and Riku, but he said there was something wrong. Anyway, since you probably don't know them, I guess I'll be going." She turned around. "Oh, and by the way, Axel. You might wanna watch your back."
i'm pretty sure everyone knows what i look like: http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y272/Baby_Angel_Makoto/?action=view¤t=Kairi.jpg http://s84.photobucket.com/albums/k6/Lil_Mizz_Emo91/?action=view¤t=99698593.jpg http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f209/kh2_kairi/kairi/?action=view¤t=kairikeyblade.jpg
yeah, she gets kidnapped. by Axel in Twilight Town, right?
okay. this is going to use the same characters from the actual Kingdom Hearts, but we can make up our own characters or be an actual character. and we're making up our own story line. it does have to make sense, though. example: no one can have a Keyblade except Sora, Kairi, Riku, Mickey, or any other person that's supposed to. is that good enough?
i like all of them (except the 100 Acre Wood), but i'd say my favorite in KH1 is Destiny Island and my favorite in KH2 is The World That Never Was.
thanks.:) don't worry, i think i pretty much know the rules. no cursing, no fights, no being a big jerk. i know. (trust me, i wouldn't do that stuff, anyway. as this mean girl calls me, i'm a 'goodie-goodie'.XD)
can't wait to see it. i hope Atlantica works, i can't watch it here.
yeah. but, still. it wouldn't seem right if Sora and Riku had a Keyblade and Kairi didn't. i love this line. "I went after you and Riku because you never came back." -Kairi "Sorry...." -Sora "*runs up and hugs him* This is real...." -Kairi that line is so sweet.
... okay, that was retarted.XD anyway, i'm 11 and i LOVE Kingdom Hearts... what the heck, read my bio if you wanna learn about me.XD
okay, there's probably millions of these on this site, but oh well. it's different, anyway. you can create your own character if you want. i'm gonna be Kairi. (p.s. you can be multiple people) anyone else wanna join? People Taken Sora: Dark Roxas Kairi: *^~KairiHeart~^* Riku: AshleyXxXSora=MARRIAGE Axel: Sa'ix's Daughter
darn! i know this one! i just *starts bonking head* can't... remember... his... name!!
i'd have to agree with Axel; she probably got it because she was strong-willed. and, also, i'm just glad they didn't turn Kairi into another one of those damsels-in-distress. i'd die if she was.
Xemnas, definitely. they're all pretty evil, though. *glares at Maleficent*:D
hey, Donald and Goofy put the 'f' in 'funny'! they're great! (not to mention hilarious) i love this line from Kingdom Hearts 1: "Uh, Donald, ya know, I betcha that-" -Goofy "What do you know, ya big palooka?!" -Donald "What do I know?" -Goofy that line's always funny.:D anyway, the best characters are most definitely Sora, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Roxas, and Xemnas. Kairi's my personal favorite, but she's not really the best. and i think the worst was... that's a toughie. um... probably... wow, i can't think of anyone. but to tell you the truth (i am NOT saying he's the worst), Axel wasn't really one of my favorites. (don't hurt me!!!!)
i like this part in Halloween Town: "Okay, we'll defeat the Heartless. And then, we can go meet Santa Claus!! *looks around* Uh... after we beat the Heartless...." -Sora here's some others: "You forgot my name? Thanks a lot, Kairi! Okay, I'll give you a hint. It begins with an 'S'." -Sora "Ya know, I can see us as friends already." -Axel "Well, you're not acting very friendly." -Kairi "We won't disappear, Roxas! We'll become whole!" -Namine "We'll disappear?!" -Roxas "No, we'll-*gets cut off because of... i forget the Organization member*" -Namine "Don't worry, king. I get my head bonked all the time." -Goofy hey, how many people here flipped out, too, when they saw that Jesse McCartney plays Roxas? i flipped out of my mind!!
i liked most of it. the only thing i didn't like was that it was, like, a bazillion years until it finally got to Sora.