"We don't, but where else are we gonna go?" Ako walked into the new hall, which led to some stairs going down.
Ako looked over her folder, which revealed every single thing about her, from her eye color to her powers. She wasn't suprised, since they obviously made the cubicles work against them, but in some way it was shocking that they just had these in a place where Zangestu could get them. "Let's keep going." Ako said, placing her folder into her body, freezing it inside of her.
"I don't think it matters. Going up would be just as easy as anything else. If we stay together we may be able to get out of here alive." Ako said as she followed the group back into the previous room. "What can you guys do?" She asked the others, knowing she couldn't do this without knowing more about them.
Played By: Roxas-chan Character Name: Doctor Ocach (dok-TOR O-kah-ch) Age: Twenty-five (25) Job: Scientist Personality: A very kind woman, she is the only scientist that would ever treat her subjects as if they were people, instead of just things to test, although she always carries an air of depression about her. Other: For some reason, she was never allowed to work on test subject 041PUU, Pururin, and if the Anthropomorph is ever brought up in conversation, she will get misty eyed and excuse herself. Appearance: Green eyes and black hair (usually tied back in one manner or another), Doctor Ocach stands at five foot, two inches (5'2"), and is usually seen in a white lab coat and a one piece dress, with a black buckled belt. Writing Sample: [Do you seriously need me to do this?]
"They experimanted on us all for our whole lives, do you think they would let us go after all of that?!" She was beginning to get frightened as the room that they were in, looking like the outside world, flickered a couple times after she said that.
"Guy's! Listen to me!" Ako said softly yet firmly, following them, and trying to get her point across. "There is no way that the scientist who did this to us could be carless enough to where we could get out that easily. I'm telling you, it's a trap!" She said jumping infront of the group. --------------------- "Follow them." Cheal said to one of the guards who was watching the monitor the group was on. "Make sure they don't leave here alive." He said as he walked out from the observation room, the doors hissing shut. -------------------------------------- BTW, guys & gals, this labratory is huge and it's full of twists, turns, and weird rooms. There is now way to get out of here by teleportation (or other ways: ie. walking through the darkness and such). Not only that, but this place is surrounded by electric fences(10ft tall), as well as on an island. Sorry for not giving this info, but when this was last played and it was left at the story, people just went everywhere and the RP fell apart. Just giving some additional stuff to remember, so if you stated that your characte reached the outside, they are actually in one of the rooms. :D
Ako tried again, turning herself back into ice, automatically making some tubes come out of the wall, which immediatly sparked out flames at the girl. This was her chance. Ako quickly turned back into water, jumping up into the pipes, and flowed through them, hoping they would take her out. "It can't be this simple." Ako thought to herself as she took a turn, the pipes getting tighter. She slowly began to see a dim light at the end of the long tunnel, and soon she began to poor from a small hole in the outside wall. "Is it really this easy to escape?" Ako asked the others that had already broken out.
Okay, I already posted my entry and now it's gone!!! Here it is again.
Ako sat in her pool like environment, her body mixed with that of the pools water. A blast of cold air, which seemed to come out of nowhere errupted in the cubicle, as Ako crystalized her body into solid ice. She stood up, her body breaking and cracking as she stepped out from the now frozen pool. Reaching down to the ice she pulled up a large ice axe, crackling as it too came from the ice. She swung the axe behind her and propelled it forward, preparing to hit the glass window of her prison. Before her weapon could reach the invisible wall, a group of flames shot out from the wall. Ako dropped her weapon, which quickly melted under the extreme heat. Ako cried out in pain as she too melted, sliding back into the pool she had come from. "I have to get out of here." She thought.
Story At birth, ten children we're taken from their parents and brought to an experiment lab for testings. The scientists wanted to see if they could create a better type of human. The children had grown up in the labratory until they had turned ten; then they started to do the testing. Each child had one same test, and five different ones. As the tests we're finished, the scientists started to notice the changes occur on the kids. The kids we're each placed into different cubicles so they would live normally as their species would. Each morning the scientists would check up on the kids to see if something new had happened to them, and each morning something would happen. They had made not just one other creature, but ten different species. Most of them we're more powerful then humans and there was no way humans could defeat them. The scientists soon figured it out and moved them to different cubicles; the same but with unbreakable glass. The scientists locked the doors on the cubicles and told the children farewell, and that's where our story begins... ------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, this is the area where the members of this RP can start the role playing. For those that want to join, go here, and PM me your profile(using the provided form). Now that you've all waited, you can start the RPing, and good luck escaping. :D
I think it's in this order: Eclipse/Xehsin(If he was still here) Darkwatch/ZetoCloud Me/Kairi/Rikku/Cloudo/Sunderland/Cronoking Yeah, a lot of people are at my level(which is a good thing), but everyone has there talents.. :D
Here's my entry: http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i100/Cheal_Berts/OddBeachcopy.jpg I sorta followed a tut, but I made it my own. :D
You can be 11, while Rikkureplica can be 10, or vice versa. :D All boys are taken now.
I'll join. I'll post mine later though, when I make a really good one. :D
Great band/group(whatever. :D ) and I have heard quite a few of the new and all of the old songs. I do wonder though, has anyone heard "Listen To The Rain"? I got it, but I was unsure if it was actually by Evanescence.
Final Update: Due to some unfortunate circumstances, many of the people enrolled here cannot make it today, so I have delayed it one more day, making the start of "The Experiments" at 3:30PM(Central)/4:30PM(Eastern) on Tuesday the 17th. Sorry, for the inconvenience, and hope to see you all tommorrow. :D BTW, After the 17th all registrations are to be PMed to me, as this thread will be closed.
OoC: I'm getting a little uncomfortable with this now (no offense), so Zexion is up for the taking. It's either that or he's going the way of Old Yeller. X_X ----------------- Zexion woke up in shock, his head in Marluxia's surprising new rack. He jumped back and pointed at him/her, mouth hanging down and eye's wide open. After a moment of dibeleif, Zexion passed out at the sight that woke him.
For whoever cares, I'm... -In Art 3D class(5th hour) -Eating my lunch -On KH-Vids(duh) -Watching Family Feud :D
Zexion watched as Axel and Demyx walked into his room. Funny that they still though that he was in the closet. He had changed his hiding spot many hours ago, knowing that they would never find him on the roof. Being up there for over an hour was giving him major pains in his arms, in the end making him fall onto the two intruders. He sighed as he had hoped that would've worked better.
Congrats to DarkWatch, you totally won. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and all the voters who voted. :D ~Locked~