Well, you cleaned up the Forums a whole lots so you deserve this break, Arc. See ya man. Hope you'll be back soon, pal.
I found this on YouTube a few minutes ago. It's really funny seeing the Naruto characters hosting a semi-t.v. show type thing. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Dp5fhDxmI&mode=related&search=
Well, I am the Forum gangsta, so, yes, I'm the most popular!:p Just kidding, everyones awesome around here, trust me. Nice people here.xD Welcome, have fun, don't be a rotten spammer like me, and enjoy.
This thread is just asking for spam.:D xD This topic is really quite uselss.
It's a nice rumor, but I don't know if they'd have it in the game. We can only hope though.
Guys! No one send me there credit card number! I'm broke myself, but not my parents. This was a joke....But if you wanna give it to me just PM me.:p
Hey! Your right! I did save you from Sora! Never thought of that......Hahaha, I saved your life twice.
I wish you could still join, but they got owned by Sora already so.......My bad. At least your alive, right?
Whoa..........Your starting to make my favorite sigs: Obscure ones with a nice mix of color. I love those kind of sigs: 10/10. Nice work, colors blend well and everything looks great.
I would import it, but I have no idea on how to get it on my American PS2. If Nomura doesn't bring it to North America, Europe, and the rest of the countrys that got Kingdom Hearts 2, I'll be kinda mad. I'll even take the whole thing in Japanese if thats what I have to do.
Noooo! I'm wrong again on the pic. Sara's the only person left that hasn't posted one. I hope I'm right on her if she ever posts one.xD Nice pic by the way, Kairi.^_^
Ouch, that had to hurt. I HATE nuts. Never liked them on anything.xD My list of favorite candies: Butterfingers Laffy Taffy Butterfinger BB's Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
I don't get what this thread is about. Also, I think this should be moved to the Spam section.
What's your favorite candy? Mines butterfingers, nuff said. They rock.
Hey! Your right! (Adds a few words.)
You are a nobody. Your heart was already gone when I asked Death to bring you back. You guys are an empty shell. Org, XIII asked if you wanted to join their gang but I said you didn't want to.
Wait! Is that seriously your credit card number!!!
Allright, if anybody on this Forum can guess my name I'll post a picture of myself.....xD And what was up with Grievous's surfing joke? :D
' Hey! Would you rather be dead or rich???
Darkwatch warned me and he's cool, so.....I won't do it for now.xD But....Yo mommas so fa-*Sees Darkwatch watching me* Nevermind.