...nobody? He was a multi-billionaire, he's more important, even in death, then you'll ever be.
Loved it, after I was done watching it I really felt very lost however. I kind of thought of all the people in my life and how everything is fake, it's all some strange dream-like state that the Corporations have us in. To be honest I'm rather pissed off about it actually, I want to get up and do something. Peter Joseph <3
ilu2 guiz
TBK, end of story, you fail, leave.
That would be the horrible figure they've turned Tom into over the years. Original toonami The cool toonami The toonami of my fond memory The essence of AWESOME Saturday night Tv Gay
So where will all the anime move too? Adult Swim mayb- Oh ****, I forgot they obviously don't give a flying **** about anime anymore. New anime episodes at 5:00 AM!? ARE THEY INSANE!?
I'm kind of wondering why anyone should care.
Congratulations. Join the rest of the world that can't see a generally enjoyable experience when it's right in their face.
I could never marry someone. *cough*
Making it epic ****, right?
That's basically why it's so epic.
Well hello there sir. Twincest please?
Thieving this, kthx.
REALLY Jerm? Cheating on your wife? I'm compelled to kick you out of the house.
I prefer "Chin"(I swear to god if you take this seriously I'll murder your family.)
Those in favor of destroying Drama on KHV should consider signing this petition. If the petition becomes completely filled, all drama on KHV will no longer be allowed, violators will be forced to Baw until no longer Dramatic. Continued violators will probably be arrested or exiled, as is the case with REAL life Drama. Do your part, sign the petition.
I counted 3.
I'm intrigued.
Seriously guys, wtf. Shut up about her. =/