I saw in the news about a month ago, It's very messed up
Oh, so i missed it then
Hey i just remembered something, I remember posting a thread about "Who likes spongebob?" and yup, I pretty much see the members who clearly posted they hated him....well, who cares anyways...
Did he post this on youtube or something
oh....well what do you think is the probabilty he'll ever come back?
Philippines but that's all i'm saying
He's probably finding a way to get back in
14409 ^ your my sister right CTR? and i'm your brother so, i'm giving it to you...
Crazy - gnarls Barkley
Oh well who loves orange soda?
14405 it's no prob, you can have it, i'll just get it next time
14401 man i wanted the hundred! oh well congrats CTR YAY SHE DEDICATED IT TO ME, I'M SPECIAL, BOW TO MY POWER!
Well...at least it's a cookie! *munch8 it also has milk inside!
14397 CTR's from ENGLAND?
*spits out coffee* NOT COMING BACK!?
13394 it's the afternoon here in california
14392 Bbye CTR!
^ yes > being alive is cool v thinks being dead is better
I suggest you not rather now
14390 i'll watch the whole 2nd season tomorrow and the next day after that Ryuzaki: Bang!