14423 eew.....i wonder that taste like
THIS IS A CONNECT PART TO THE ROXMA AND C_S_I_Girl Mansion Thread First storey: Medium Size kitchen Small Study room Large Living Room Small Bathroom Small Storage Room Second storey: Large Master bedroom w/ Medium Bathroom Extra rooms ENJOY!!! NOTE: THESE APARTMENTS ARE FOR HIRED STAFF ONLY IN THE MANSION.
14420 Bang!
I'm still ignored.....:(
only a wee bit
So you don't know me then.....i'm also being ignored *slump*
oh *slaps face*
Yes you are
like i said
We no bishies, we evil mwahahahahaha!
14411 goonigh- she's gone...
That's cause i forgot to add you, lol!
That's very respectful Member: man, your username only shows ラクシーヌ on my pc, what is it really?
My buddy list is only for IMing reasons and cause they're my buddys! ロクサス /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* Akino Alice Bunterx burnitup Catch The Rain Cin Da Freak Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress demonslayer_kyle DPWolf Emo Pengwin FireNanaki hahannuh hikki_kairi HisNobody John S. K a i r i KairiSoraKeyoflight khchick55 kitty_mckechnie La Sofa libregkd Lithium Mish namine_of_kh2 Nightwinde Rena88 Roxas Roxasvsriku Roxas_is_Hot Roxllen Roxma Rufus Sara Sasuke_Uchiha sgh SoRaXKaIRi VideoGameNerd246 Xaldin Zexion of the Twilight
Doesn't it....no offense
Well imposter or not, it did went up to the news, that affects Disney's carreer, well not really.
Good reason...that's also parts of my reasons, i have like 10 of em...
They are giving Mickey a very bad reputation
Now you tell me that i'm here....wow...