Buenas noches Senbon_Zakura.
Nah, I have heard worse. But yeah that does sound like a classic clase of whoreism.
LOL grated I might not know exactly. But the way it was phrased still made me laugh.
LOL yeah. I can't forget one. It's kinda catchy.
Ummm like Momo chee Yayzers lawls I know these aren't really catch phrases but people I know say them to me all the time.
Buenas Noches burnitup. Ah I have beening hearing a lot of cool little catch phrase these past few days.
Ooops I thought you were referring to your usertitle under your username...my bad.
Tellilng the truth cronoking style lol.
Umm what ever you change your usertitle to be next.
Whats the point anymore *sigh/shrug*
Ahhh now you see the delma I'm in.
I don't want to get up right now......I've been up all day.
Man I'm really thristy now.
I guess that is a good thing.
Okay, how was your day?
True I mean have you seen the suits he wears......pure evil I tell you...
No satan and Alex Trebec are actually one and the same......I would know I played poker with the cheating *******.
He and I are tight now...we used to not get along so well. But now that we both grew up, so I actually enjoy his company.
Good good. It was my older brothers birthday. So I got to spend the whole day with him.
Hello people, thought I drop by for a litte bit.