*salutes* fair enough chica.
Eh, I don't want spam this place up. I guess if you really want to know you can PM meh.
Hanging out con amigos all last night.
I thought I was the only one you messed with lol xD. I'm wiped out from last night. But I'm doing fine.
Thats good.
Yeah yeah enjoy it for now. But how was your day.
To be honest. I was trying to confuse you but....but I just ended up confusing myself >.>;;
For now chica <.< >.> for now.
I think I confused myself. Ummmm damn you win...you got meh.
LOL when did this turn battle royale all of a sudden.
Eh, so shoot me.
Sé sà español lol xD. That is good to hear dude.
Hello -MS-. Bien y tu?
Yep, there is always someone out there that makes you feel like a million bucks when you talk to them.
Ah, I bet that was a nice breath of fresh air today.
I'm wiped out from last night, but I'm doing fine. What about yourself?
I'm here I guess.
I guess he is a janitor in training.
I think I'm the only one here for now.
I was level 47 when I beat the game.