I want to get it cause it has a darker story and I like the combat system in KH. And they are going to use the same one for versus. Plus I'm not too sure what the new combat system is going to be for XIII.
Sweet drawings dude. Keep up the great work.
You just have to PM kevz2kool.
I'm sure you already heard this but remember the rules, post, a lot and have a great time.
Sweet pics. Thanks for the upload Xaldin.
I say the Wiki is pretty useful and I learn a thing or two. But I only really use it like a every so often.
Yo, welcome to the forums. Post lots and have fun. And advertising is aganist the rules.
Sora-DW Roxas Donald-Cloud or leon Goofy-Riku
Yes anything above 98.3 is being sick.
Or Fry for a beer run.
What ever you say Bender.
Uh oh, the robot Kikame is finally broken.
I saw your fact. I just didn't say anything cause that would just be repeating myself.
But that only happens after massive amounts of gallons not cups.
Yep massive amounts. Cause that causes overhydration and makes the body collapse.
That is why they say drink 8 cups of water a day. So it keep the body "fresh".
Water cleans out the body and if you do have a fever then you need to clean out the fever "stuff" for lack of a better word. Yes to a degree it cools body temp.
If you do but you have to keep your body temp low.
I recommend orange juice and plenty of water.