The real question is who doesn't like FullMetal Alchemist.
Hey KxR... just make sure you say if something is wrong. So we don't jump to a conclusion again.
Well your post on the top of the page would say different. Well if there is nothing wrong then there is another reason you did the .......... But I'm going to say.
No, it is more a unsupported statement. But when you get defensive about it. It is just more unconfirmed proof.
Ah, cause when you do the elipses thing. Normally there is something wrong.
Something wrong? Yeah something happened to me. You can PM me if you want to.
Nah, well besides what happened to me at work a few weeks ago then no LOL xD.
Nah, it is okay. I was only complementing you.
No need to be rude.
I'm just saying it sounds cooler.
I'm decent today....and chuu? Nah, I kinda like that way better. Mor emphasis lol xD.
Is that new way to say bored?
Nain? Is something wrong?
Yeah, it looks much better now. Yeah, I get bored sometimes at late nights.
I would have painted over the M on the top right corner and it would look better.
Nah, I get that all the time any way...well just not the Kh-vids part....LOL xD. But my middle name it Hyde so :woohoo:
Eh, could have been better but I'm not complaing. What about you?