Very lovely hair. I actually like it like that better. And you look awesome. All that excercise is paying off ^_^
I babysit all day so I dont have too much time to play too. What is your favorite anime?
I want contacts.......or an eye infection.......or an eye ._.
Totally. She should show her support by letting you grow your eyebrows out and giving you a haircut using a bowl.
Today's update is so pointless, I refuse to post it xD. Everything was pretty much the same. The beam sword looks awesome though. But what im really interested in is this clock: Is that new or do I just have a bad memory?
I like when she sang the pokeman song.
You should let your eyebrows grow out like Lee.
wow. Im going to third island right now xD. Be careful with that fire boss, just watch the map on top for clues on how to beat him. When you do beat it, you'll understand that question I asked you before about Leaf. What's your favorite color?
Did you even beat the first temple yet? xD
What cannon do you have in Phantom Hourglass?
Yeah, but not when it's up+B that you need xD.
I beat it with Bowser already. Took me a few tries because I kept hitting side+B instead of up+B lol
Rolling out on those 3 was quite fun.
You arent that old silly.
Came back to us soon. You're the only one who knows how to feed the unicorns ;~;
Sounds like somethings wrong o:
1000 vs battles. That way you get everyone without all the story inbetween. Sudden death w/1 life FTW =D
Pfft, I dont try to get her pants off. Im trying to get them ON. Animals with clothes are so cute n_n. Can you give me more sand for my Hourglass?
Darn, I was hoping I'd get to order around a small militia of kittens D: Isnt it ironic that you find Leaf in the Temple of Fire?
What does being your man hussy come with? <_>