Mish, shave the stache and I'll consider plucking them.
I got a newly hatched Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur ready for you Kitty. Remember to bring along three crappy pokemon for the trade. ^_^
Nov. 07 Wed. 2007 Gray Fox If Snake is going to be joining the brawl, then it should be fine to have someone else from the Metal Gear world join as an Assist Trophy, right? Frank Jaeger, the Gray Fox, appears! Oh! Cool mono-eye! He approaches stealthily with lithe jumps, coming right in then slicing repeatedly. Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character. He slices over and over with his back-handed grip. By the way, he reflects projectiles. PA-SHEEN! Gray Fox faces off with Snake. Gray Fox, who engaged in a grand battle to the death with Metal Gear REX... To think that he would reappear on Wii, and alongside Mario and Sonic at that! You never know what might happen in this world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yay for Gray Fox as an assist trophy. He's looking pimp as usual. It would've been cool if a giant metal gear came in and eated joo all, but this is good too. There was another update about how to throw........at least the shields are still cool to look at.
Must....make...her day.....better =D
HB was scary enough the first time in that bikini.
Well my highest ones are at 70+. Although I think im gonna have to battle tomorrow since my sister needs to use the computer ;_;
Sure ;D. Which one? :3
Yeah. Charizard FTW. I've never played a game without him. He just pwns more now that he has shadow claw and blast burn ;D. I'll make some starter eggs just for you tomorrow.
I have those if you want lol. My ditto makes tons of eggs (has like 20 chimchars). Charizard is apart of my main team since I <3 him so much.
xD. I'll scream right back xP. Want any pokemon?
Go to the key items in your bag and look for your pad pal. It should be in there. I can trade you a ton of pokemon if you like ^_^ And yeah, you need the name too. Mine is Crono.
I put my first mugen vid of Shiki Tohno vs Aruceid. I dont have anyway of recording so I just stuck a song in there. I need to bump up the quality next time >w>
My Zelda PH code is: 378072652523 Good thing I saw this lol. Also, I wanna battle you in Pokemon too kitty. After I beat Darky of course.
To me a sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. /endcopypasta/
Shiki tohno vs Shiki Nanaya 8D
I wear the kilt 8D
I didnt mean it like that xD. I just meant that on a scale of 1-10, you went from a 10 all the way to over 9000!! And the sheets on your bed look super comfy. Do they have any in ultra florescent hot pink?
lol. You never know, maybe one day that'll happen.
Yeah, I finally tried doing that today xD. I was able to get alot done so it worked out pretty well. What's the job you always dreamed of having?
What would Lee think? D: