I think one of those cats had wings o_o
Pokeman or Digiman?
Those big cats would be way cooler than a new car.
Hot o:
You probably will xD
Nothing much. You?
I already gave you AIDS Darky :3
because......its just that..... I wanna be an attention whore like the noobs 8D. I always wanted to make a thread like this.
I can draw with my hands AND my pencil =D
Pumpkin Pie
I <3 Rosey? :3
Viginia Tech does 8D
Now I must make presents for you both o:
Everythings Magic. End of story. Buy the CD =D
Looky here~ More of the hot Fox, looking very good. If only I could hug your blond hair :3
Good items like plates, expesive pokeballs, and rare candies~
Im happy to say that im not a ned or a wannabe ned =D
Are you happy about the starter pokemon I knewly hatched for you? And would you like me to give them any good items to hold?