Ugh, school. It's starting soon for me, as well.
I'm good, how about you?
That's awesome. xD
I'll try to remember. So, how are you?
I'm laughing so hard right now. xD
It didn't work. D: Oh well. So, what's up?
I'm bored...again. D:
Hello! ^-^
...I need a good profile picture. >>
Hi. =Di'mstartingtolikethenewforum
You're awesomer! 8D
I'm starting to...sort of.
Ah, all right. See ya DP!
Hello. 8Dstupid10characters>>
Hi Tootz. =D
So, you have to go in a few minutes? It was actually pretty fun. My friend was up with his friend and we just played video games all weekend....
I'm all right, just a little tired. How are you?
You're not the only one it confuses. xD
What's up?
You probably don't have the right codecs. Anyways, there's this site called silenttweak. It's great and the graphics are very high quality.