Eh, it was pretty good. Got to see my friends and my favorite teachers. So that was a plus. How's school going for you?
Pain ~ Three Days Grace
You're so lucky to have Photoshop. Ah, Excel. We had to learn how to use that in seventh grade. I forgot how to, though. xD
Nothing much. I don't have school today, so I'm home for the whole day. Good thing too, because I still feel a little sick. How are you?
*pokes* Hi. 8D
My summer was pretty good. Went to visit my dad for a month, which led to me babysitting my sister, but that was fine. After that I basically hung...
The violin is such a nice instrument. I love the sound of it. xD Aw, thanks.
I would love to play the piano again, but I also want to learn how to play the guitar. Aw, thanks. <3 I want some. xD
That's really nice too. You're awesome for finding these. <3 I haven't played the paino since I was ten. D: Yeah, and I was sick too. D: So,...
You need to use the grammar hammer on yourself. It's spelled 'sophomore'. ...*runs* And why? D:
Hello. =]/fillerz/
Hello. =D/fillerz/
Yes, it's a very nice song. And this was the longest first day of school ever.
*collapses* This was the longest first day ever. DX
That's horrible! That's insane! *gives cookies*
That's not good. D:
Oh no! DX/fillerz/
I love that flavor. 8D
Eh, I'm feeling a little sick right now, but besides that I'm good.