Red Wolf, eh?
I remember you, I'm just surprised you remember me. xD How are you?
Uh...sure. ^-^
Boy, that was fast. O_O I'm good. You?
Hello. ^^sdfghjk
Hello. 8D I'm bored.
Awesome song. Animal I Have Become ~ Three Days Grace
*posts* <.>
Yay, I'm a crazy friend. xD
xDDD Yay for crazy friends! 8D
I got tackleglomped by several people as well. I have bruises. xD
Okay, if you say so. xDD I'm actually feeling a lot better since the last time we talked, though. ^^ So, how was your first day back to school?
Party ~ Diverse Citizens feat. TobyMac
It's all right; I understand. ^^ Are you sure you're all right? And I'm okay; still trying to get over that cold I told you about two days ago.
We haven't talked in a while. *pokes* How are you?
Aw, thank you. ^^ I can make you one if you want.
She hasn't come over in a while, so I hope she can. ^^ That's what I usually do. xD
Well, I'm trying to see if my friend can come over tomorrow, but besides that and church, nothing. How about you?
It's the weekend for me. ^^
Yeah, school is boring. xD