Well you don't have to rub it in! ...I'm hungry. GHOST HUNTERS IS ON! 8D
D: *hugs* I hope everything is alright and I hope it works out. ^^
Sh...shrimp? D: I want some. Lucky. >>
I'M ALIVE! I'M ALIVE! I CAN FEEL YOU ALL AROUND--*brick'd* So, how are you?
How should I know? I'm dead! ...lolhi. 8D
D:! *dies*loli'mdead=D
*pokes* What? I'm bored. *continues to poke*
Eh, it's all right. How are you?
Hello. ^-^
How come all of my friends get to go to Washington D.C. and I don't? D: Anyways, have fun, DP! Remember: pictures. 8D
Long story short - someone took my books out of my bookbag so they weren't there when I got home. Over reacted, principle didn't believe someone...
*pokes* Hi. *pokes again*
Crazy day pt. 1 ftw. Crazy day pt. 2 ftl. DD:
DP is back. 8D Yay~ So I guess the fad is over? xD
I just had the craziest day ever. o.o ...;-;
"Total Attention" by 21:03 I love that album.
Fighting For Your Heart ~ After Edmund
Hola! We haven't talked in a really long time. How are you?
You have made me a fan of Ouran High School Host Club. xDD The one anime/manga I thought I would hate I can't get enough of. You are awesome for...
I noticed when I saw the other mods. xD That's awesome! 8D ...right?