1. The Last Night - Skillet 2. Myspace Girl - The Afters 3. Falling Into Place - The Afters 4. Yours to Hold - Skillet 5. More - Matthew West 6. Comatose - Skillet 7. The Slam - TobyMac 8. My Own Enemy - Thousand Foot Krutch 9. Forgive Me - Group 1 Crew 10. Skills - Manafest
Let It Roll - Group 1 Crew
I love that song. <3 Stand Up - Fireflight
D: That stinks. >.< Well, how are you?
xD I'm bored. D:
Poor Zack. D:
Oh, all right.
xDD So she's there now? What does she look like?
I figured it out. I feel so stupid now. xD Forget it DP, I don't need your help...not at this moment anyway. xD What's up Zack?
Hi Zackykins~
Hi Aerith. I'm confused. D: DP, help!
Might as well. xD Pure Beats~
I'm re-reading Eragon and Eldest; I want to refresh my memory for when Brisingr comes out next month.
Brave New World - I'm surprised that we were made to read this at a Christian school. It's, uh, how should I put this. Oh, I know, disgusting. Let's just say that the men and women did things that they should do after marriage all the time. It was a law that you had to do it. That's what the book was about...just that. It was a disgusting, disturbing book and I almost burned the school's copy. Cry, The Beloved Country - I could barely understand what was going on in the book. You never knew who was speaking, and it was just confusing. A Seperate Peace - God, I hated that book. It was boring, and it was just plain stupid. What happened was stupid, and I hated every second of the book.
Lucky; well, have fun! ^^ That's awesome. 8D And guess what... I GOT OKAMI! 8DD I'd be playing it right now if my Wii was hooked up.
Myspace Girl ~ The Afters
Yup, they do. ^^ You just have to click the dubbed video, not the subbed.
You might be able to find some of the episodes, but probably not all of them. I suggest animeviewer.net. They have tons of anime there, and I know they have all of the episodes for Death Note. Hope this helps~