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  1. Patman


    I saw scientific experts explaining that this explanation doesn' t float. Since I' m no scientific expert myself I decided to trust them (rather than journalists or politicians) and have my doubts.

    Well that' s the European stereotype of American people. If I thought that all Americans are morons I wouldn' t be using this forum.You see French as people wearing a beret, driving a Citroën deux chevaux and constantly holding some bread baguette. We see you as some Jack Bauer/Bruce Willis invested with a "righteous" mission involving killing "bad guys" for the sake of all that' s "good", warm and fuzzy (and money). We know that' s a cliché, but seeing the content of your news channels doesn' t help to suppress the feeling. There' s also some little things here and there that entertain the cliché. For example I saw a you tube commentary about a French video a few days ago :

    "English please!!! ****ing french pussies, go back to your cheese eating habits you surrender monkeys"

    The English viewer who expects everything to be in English is not that rare.
    In a way that' s understandable : a lot of people DO peak English. Every time some European movie attracts an American eye somehow the movie doesn' t make it to America : you buy the scripts rights and make a remake suited to the American audience. "True Lies" is funny, but I still prefer "La Totale". Your version of "Dinner for Schmuck" is an insult to the amazingly funny scenario and actors of "Le diner de cons".

    Here' s something you probably never saw on a US channel :
    This is the way America has been depicted for years in a daily humor French show. Don' t worry, this show is just as mean towards our own presidents (or anyone, really).

    However, despite all of this, my granny was certainly VERY happy to see you guys helping us 60 years ago.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman


    What I saw on TV was two planes crashing on the Twin Towers. I still have no rational explanation as to how this could lead to the towers exploding and crumpling. Too many flower scented sprays in the toilets maybe ? I don' t know what really started this war and I guess I never will.

    I think Mr Brightside nailed something though : most of my friends despise the "God bless America" motto. For starters French people despise religion mingling with politics. Do you have to believe in God to be a "true" American ? Then there' s also the fact that "God bless America" is a way of saying "we' re the good guys, we can' t be wrong, God is on our side". Maybe that' s not what it truly means, but that' s what we hear anyway.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    Speaking of Inception :
    Sorry if this was already posted dozens of times.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    une prière = a prayer.
    It' s a poem, some sentences look weird even for someone French. I added the few missing accents.
    Twilight Knight' s translation seems more than OK, there' s just a few minor errors :

    Notre issue était louable. Notre but commun.
    Our outcome was commendable. Our common goal.
    Mais c'était seulement dans le noir que nous en apercevions son teint.
    But only in the dark could we see its complexion.

    Couchés sur le dos, nos fronts pâlis par la peur
    Lying on their backs, our frowns pale with fear
    (I guess "face" is more fitting than "frown" in English)
    mais tendus par leur jeunesse, nous n'avions pas de remords.
    but strained by their youth, we had no remorse.

    Nous savions plus que tous les autres, que même beaux, un jour nous serions morts.
    We knew better than any other that, even though (we were) beautiful, one day we' d be dead.

    La sentence nous fit rire, et nos rires nous firent taire.
    The verdict made us laugh, and our laugh made us fall silent.
    (the idea is that the sound of their own laugh made them stop saying anything, I dunno if my phrasing was OK)

    Tu étais si fier d'avoir lu dans mes yeux une telle prière
    You were so proud to have read such a prayer in my eyes
    et j' étais si belle d'avoir cru que la vie nous serait fidèle.
    and I was so cute for believing that life would be fair with us.

    Je récidive, tu persévères.
    I relapse, you persevere.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    Thanks ! I wish you all a happy new year !
    Post by: Patman, Jan 1, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Patman
    Aw, but it could be so great to meet . They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too! Right P ?
    Post by: Patman, Jan 1, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Patman
    In FF1 they' re called "Warriors" or "Monks" , you should try one.

    My party was made of a Warrior (the "warrior of light" from the CG intro), a White Mage, a Black Mage, and a Thief. If I had known that thieves don' t steal anything and are utterly useless in FF1 I would have chosen a Red Mage or a Monk instead.
    I played that game a long time ago and I don' t recall much about it. What' s the problem with the Ice cavern ?
    Post by: Patman, Jan 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    My parents both sell glasses and lenses for a living. The contact lenses themselves are probably harmless. However when buying lenses online people usually skip the "doctor advices" paragraph : wash your lenses everyday with a specific liquid and always wash your hands before touching the lenses. Lenses don' t kill, but bacterias would certainly be quite happy to throw a party in your eyes.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    There' s no turning back from the road that Fabula Nova Crystallis took, so maybe they plan to have another FF series getting back to the roots of the franchise ? That way they could satisfy both the casual and the hardcore players.
    Anyway, when members from the French FF forum that I use interviewed Shinji Hashimoto during the TGS (Toulouse Game Show, not Tokyo) they asked him about the "Final Fantasy XIII Haeresis" trademark. He didn' t even know about it and answered that SE usually trademarks a lot of things when they' re not sure what would be the most fitting title. However there is no "Final Fantasy XIII Haeresis" in the works and there never will be.
    Another trademark has been made quite recently : "Duodecim Prologus". It was trademarked AFTER Duodecim was anounced, so it' s not a reject title for Duodecim.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 30, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  10. Patman
  11. Patman
  12. Patman

    Ps3 Games

    It sucks beyond belief, which is why SE made an announce stating that a new developer team has been appointed to try and make it better. The trial period has been prolonged until the game is fixed, and it won' t be released on PS3 until then. If you ask me FFXIII sucks beyond belief too, but some people seem to like it. The only RPG I truly enjoyed on a HD console is Lost Odyssey, which is an Xbox 360 exclusive sooo ... I would advise you to buy Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell.
    Resonance of Fate is refreshing, but it' s hard for novices and the story is incomprehensible (which is sad really, it looks like a smart story).

    All the games I own appart from those are Mature rated, so I can' t really advise you.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 25, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  13. Patman
    The story of the first dissidia is a spin off tying all of the FF games to the FF1 scenario. The story of Duodecim seems to be 100% spin off though. In the first Dissidia Cloud wears his FF7 outfits in the CGs, but I don' t really care when exactly he' s supposed to be from, the whole Dissidia plot is just a pretext for a big cross-over battle. Whatever story they come up with is fine IMO, I' m buying a fighting game.

    The character design were all based on Yoshitaka Amano' s drawings. The only thing Amano drawn for FFXII was the logo, which is why Gabranth was the only FFXII character. Luneth was basically made from scratch for the DS rehash, in the NES game there was no hero, just four Onion Knights devoid of any personality. The fifth FF had the same Job system as the third, and Bartz was the basic hero stereotype, he didn' t really have a personality. In Dissidia he is described as a Mimic Fighter (Mime is the ultimate FFV job) and we can see three little stars floating over his head (which is a sign that you' ve mastered a job in FF5). His limit break showing him using both Cloud and Squall weapons was a good way to show that he mastered every job there is.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  14. Patman
    Come and get it you stupid green man !
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
    Oh for Kingdom' s sake, just unplug the damn thing !!!
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patman
    And yet, somehow, you spared two minutes to type this !
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Patman
    Vaan is fighting against Gabranth in his "Noah" costume.
    Cecil is fighting against Golbez without his armor.
    I assume the last strange one is a Kain skin since he' s fighting Golbez.
    Lightning is always fighting good guys, is she fighting on Chaos side cause FFXIII had lousy antagonists ? ^^
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  18. Patman
    March 25 2011 in Europe. There still isn' t any date set for the US, but you' ll probably get it the same day, or even before : A SquareEnix game hitting Europe before the US ? Heresy !!!
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  19. Patman
    Same here ! Merry Christmas !
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    Apparently it' s not an advertisement.

    Original Version :

    Original with subtitles and music :

    Final Fantasy 4 version :

    Additional Angry German kid rapping :

    Additional translated video :

    Wait, there' s still more of it :

    You' re still there ? He' s playing cards now :

    Our adorable moron sometimes thinks he' s a ninja :

    There' s even more videos, but I' m done with him. I'm NOT gonna find' em all.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone