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  1. Patman
    Err ... don' t you think the problem is that any American can buy firearms in the first place ? I know most of you consider that the right to have a gun is a constitutional right, but what' s the point if all it brings you in the end is an endless line of bloodbaths ? I wouldn' t comment the American politics, I barely know anything about it, but don' t you think the verbal violence you mention is just a drop of water in a sea of violence ? From the western cowboys to the CSI weekly murder, your whole cultural heritage is bathing in guns. At least it' s what it looks like from here ...

    In most States you can buy a gun once you' re 18 ... but you have to wait to turn 21 to drink a measly beer, oh the irony ...
    It' s like giving children the right to play with matches and then wondering how come the forest' s on fire every now and then !
    Post by: Patman, Jan 13, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Patman
    I thought English was a German-based language ? I speak French and I learned Spanish, so I understand Italian a little (also Catalan and Portuguese to a much lesser extent). However German sounds like utter nonsense to me, and so did English before I learned it. When I was a student most (if not all) of my friends thought Spanish was much easier to learn than English because of the Latin common base (whereas in fact English has much less Grammar rules to learn).

    Anyway, some scientists tried to lead serious studies about reincarnation. The most known studies are those of Dr Stevenson. However, he himself stated that he didn' t find any proof of reincarnation, at least not in the scientific sense of the word.

    On a side note a French Doctor, Dr Charbonier, is convinced that NDE is a genuine phenomenon and he' s planning to lead a scientific experiment about NDE in the Toulouse Hospital to obtain solid proof that people claiming to have experienced a NDE indeed "wandered" in the hospital despite their clinical death (he' ll hide pictures in locked boxes here and there in the hospital to see if the patients claiming to have experienced a NDE can describe them once they "come back"). If they can describe the photos then the skeptics will have a hard time pretending that those people only experienced hallucinations. The same experiment will be led in 20 American hospitals.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. Patman
    That one ?

    Post by: Patman, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    She obviously never heard of the Godwin' s law ...'s_law
    Post by: Patman, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    So did ghosts, aliens, Chtuluh and the Great King of Chocobos. What doesn' t exist if you follow that kind of non-logic ? Saying that something actually exists means that it' s not abstract.

    I fail to see any logic in that sentence. Might as well say "If Chtuluh is horrible then Chtuluh must exist.
    If any "logical" statement could be made to prove that God exists I think philosophers would have done so centuries ago.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 8, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Patman
    I would have a list of rules like Colombus in Zombieland, but I' d have even more of them cause I played an insane number of Survival Horror games.

    Those from the movie that I' d keep :

    -The double tap
    -The seat belt
    -Always know your exit
    -Always check the back seat
    -Enjoy the little things

    I' m a smoker so the cardio rule is out, but I' m smart so it doesn' t matter. Cigarettes would be my Twinky obsession. I' d very much enjoy to drop and say hi to Bill Murray, but I never learned to pilot planes so that' s out. Holland and its coffee shops would probably be my first destination (cause I like coffee of course). As for my personal set of rules :

    -Bust the head of any cop zombie I happen to meet in the hope that he has a gun or ammo, people don' t have guns in France.
    -Always keep a solid iron pipe, I learned how to play tennis.
    -Always keep my back to the walls, beware of windows. I don' t have eyes in my back.
    -If I' m targeted by a whole crowd, search for the nearest corner or climb the nearest tree. Now come and get it ! Thank god zombies are morons, I wouldn' t stand a chance against real people. Did I mention I learned karate ?
    -Try to find a boat. I doubt any zombie could find me in the middle of the sea if I' m far enough from the coast.
    -Take a s*itload of food and books wherever I can and use a car to bring all of that to the boat. Now I can relax for several weeks.

    That' s all that comes to mind right now, but I would probably add some more rules over time.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 8, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Patman
    Of course I was ! Your post basically paraphrases mine. The only difference between you and me is that you' re a believer, whereas I' m looking at it from a "what if" perspective. I' ve been to catechism for years, so I' m not talking about something I' m entirely unfamiliar with.

    Actually logic led to philosophy, which in turn led both to science and metaphysics.
    The Bible is a book. When you read it you obviously try to understand it. You use logic for that. To deny logic wouldn' t deny only science, it would deny your ability to ever grasp what' s written in the Bible, might as well throw it to the bin too.

    Well, meteorites are big rocks, I thought underlining that fact would be a Captain Obvious kinda move.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Patman
    You don' t seem to realize that it is the only valid way to look at it ! ^^
    It' s the only interpretation that fits both with the rest of the Bible and what we learned through science. Let me explain :

    "The first day he did this, the second day he did that etc ..."
    The numbers aren' t here to quantify anything, they just convey the idea of a progression, a chain of events. In other words, it' s a metaphor for evolution. As you said yourself God can make anything appear instantly just by snapping his fingers. He' s omnipotent, right ? Why would he need a week ? Why would he be subjected to time in the first place ? He created time ! Furthermore, why would he create every single element of this universe himself ? If I was omnipotent I sure wouldn' t create space, then planets, then cells ... why would I bother ? I would just create something that will evolve by itself and lead to everything I wanted in the first place. In other words I would snap my fingers to throw the initial spark (physical laws and the Big Bang) and then I' d step back, grab a snack, relax and enjoy the causality show.

    Science tells us that the basic ingredients of life (amino acids) were brought to Earth by meteorites. We don' t know how they ended up forming a cell exactly (yet) but we know for sure that meteorites contain amino acids.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Patman
    I wouldn' t criticize a game I never played. All the reviews are done by WoW addicts so I' m not sure their comments are trustworthy. My usual RPG mag doesn' t mention anything about FFXIV, SE asked everyone to not talk about the game until it' s fixed. I' ve read a few boards and most people say it' s annoying, has lots of downsides, and that they' d rather play FFXI until all the major issues are corrected.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    Try to google FFXIV, you should quickly notice something' s off with this game.
    "Lucky" for you, the game sucks so immensely that it will remain free until it' s fixed.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman

    I'm bored.


    *is driven by the currents for two days, washes ashore on the Lost island*
    Post by: Patman, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Patman

    I'm bored.

    Fearlessia would be the first one to fall. Scratch that, my encyclopedia says it already fell :

    I' d be ... whatever. Does the Lost island count? I' d be that.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patman
    You could record the sound of a water cascade, with the occasional chipping birds and wind blow, and call it "zen music". Some also record singing whales. It IS pleasant to the ears of many people. Is it art?

    Error 404, coherence not found.

    The thing is, it could drive someone to think about the consumer society and pollution. It' s totally unfair to grant the prize to the one artist that nearly didn' t work, and yet I think it was somehow a good idea. Is it art ?

    Fatal error : call to undefined function.

    AAARGH ! It' s really tough to draw a clear line at what' s art and what isn' t !!!
    Post by: Patman, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. Patman
    Well the same thing could be done with comics :

    -Japanese characters running around making ******ed faces.
    -American superheroes flying around wearing ******ed clothes.

    -Anime/Manga/Those "asian" shows are for nerds
    -Comics are for nerds

    -"Haaah! I can shoot fire out of my hands!"
    -"Haaah! I can throw spiderwebs out of my hands!"

    Both have the same constraints from starters : obey to the comic/shonen/shojo/seinen/younameit rules, while twisting the story around them so that the reader isn' t bored to death at the first volume. Maybe lots of people see them as over-stereotyped cause they are indeed ? It doesn' t prevent me to think that some of them are genius (Evangelion, Akira, GTO, One Piece) because they succeeded at constantly surprising me, despite the fact that they all follow the shonen code to the letter.

    European comics aren' t deprived of rules or genres, but they have much more freedom in their narrative structure.

    My cousin' s husband loves mangas as much as I do. We were talking about mangas once, she heard us and asked something like : "How can you think that such immature readings are interesting ?" I replied : "Some of them are pretty stupid, just pure entertainment, but some can be pretty smart too. There' s no difference between how good a manga or a movie can be. Now YOU tell me, why should the tabloids you enjoy so much be considered as a much more mature reading ?"
    That shut her up for good.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Patman
    Of course, Mysty was in fact the twin sister that you canibalised in your mother' s womb.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patman


    Can you tell that you' re in a dream ? Cause if you can then yes, it is lucid dreaming. Apparently once you know you' re dreaming you can make the dream be anything you want it to be. I wish I had known that sooner : when I was a kid I had recurring nightmares too, so often that I ended up noticing I was dreaming. Since I knew nothing about lucid dreaming the only thing I ever did when I noticed I was dreaming was waking up voluntarily.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  17. Patman
    It' s not abstract art, it' s impressionism, meaning he drew classic paintings of real subjects using a different technique than his peers : instead of using his brush to paint lines he used it to paint points or tiny strokes. It' s a kind of ancestor of the pixel art. ^^ (I didn' t know the blurry result was due to his bad eyesight though).
    Abstract art means what it means, it depicts abstract subjects (that don' t exist in the real world). The thing is, there' s abstract, and then there' s abstract.

    - You can paint something abstract that is a stylized representation of real world scenes/events/subjects, like Picasso' s Guernica (Guernica is a Spanish village that was bombed during WW2) :
    - Or you can paint something abstract that is a representation of, well ... nothing in particular (to my knowledge) like this paint from Jackson Pollock :

    The kind of abstract I was rambling about before is the kind that represents nothing in particular : I fail to see what is so great in this Jackson Pollock' s paint or what the hell he could have tried to convey. Surely some people think it' s pretty, but in my eyes it' s almost a child random doodle, although I wouldn' t mind having it on my wall (I can' t say it' s pretty, but I can' t say it' s ugly either).
    Post by: Patman, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  18. Patman
    That would be cool, but FFXIII straight line is living proof that they don' t have the skills yet to do that. How many years do you think it would take to model Midgard with the same graphics as FFXIII ? Twice as much as FFXIII ? Thrice ? They could go with the Resident Evil Rebirth approach, I' d be delighted, but for some reason most developers forgot that 2D could be gorgeous, they' d rather take the full 3D/cell-shading road.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  19. Patman
    ^ I thought the exact same thing 20 seconds before reading your post ! You nailed it.
    Oh, and Sora has a stronger heart than Terra, which means his Keyblade is stronger. The skinny noob Sora sure can' t compete with the muscular and skilled Terra in terms of raw strength, but being a Keyblade Wielder was never about that. If you think it is all about strength and skills then you make the exact same mistake Terra and Riku did. Whoever Terra managed to beat (I' m still not convinced that Eraqus didn' t let Terra beat him on purpose) his mind was weak, and mind comes first. Let me put it this way : having the most powerful computer in the world is utterly useless if the OS is faulty and bugged, sooner or later it' s gonna crash.

    " I thought I was already stronger than Yoda ?"
    "Only in your mind, my young padawan !"
    Post by: Patman, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Patman
    On the other hand, if someone sees something that the artist didn' t intended then it becomes his vision of the oeuvre, which isn' t any less legit than the author' s vision. In fact there is zero chance for anyone to perceive a piece of art the exact same way that the author did. Most artists know that their work belongs to them as long as they don' t show it to anyone. Once they do, it doesn' t belong to them anymore. That reminds me of the Wachowsky brothers, they said that whenever they explained exactly the way they see "The Matrix" people didn' t dare to share their own vision afterwards. That' s why they decided to never comment "The Matrix" publicly : what' s interesting to them is to see how the audience perceived it.

    Oh, do I need to say "Rinoa = Ultimecia" ? I myself thought it was a valid theory until a few weeks ago. Some people don' t care whether it' s canon or not : that' s the way they see FF8 and they' re fine with it.
    Post by: Patman, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone