My great great (don' t know how many great exactly) grandfather was Rev Charles Carnus, French scientist and martyr. He rode a montgolfière for 13 kilometres in 1784, one year after the Mongolfier brothers invented it. In the region I live in there are many schools, streets, bus stops etc ... named after him, though few people know exactly who the **** is that guy. He was recently featured in a French movie.
I meant is he kidding with the pre-obituary thingy. ^^ I' m wondering if 4.5 is "shaky shaky" scary, "my furnitures are moving around" scary or "I' m gonna die" scary.
I "survived" two feeble earthquakes. The first didn' t wake me up, although it was strong enough to make a crack in the bedroom wall of my neighbor, the second did, but that' s all it did. I couldn' t tell you what their Richter magnitude was. I' m not sure what a 4.5 magnitude means, the maximum magnitude, 9, would indicate an earthquake 50000 times larger and 1000000 times more destructive than a 4.5 one. What happened exactly ? Was it really scary, or are you (half) kidding ?
^ I love that movie, but I' m afraid hearing "This is Halloween" over and over in four KH games was overkill, now hearing it gives me murder intents. My favourite Tim Burton movie is Beetlejuice, maybe because it' s the first Burton I' ve ever seen. Ah, nostalgia ! The special effects are totally outdated, but the music and story haven' t wrinkled one bit. Danny Elfman is a god by the way. Tim Burton' s secret formula :
^This. When I was young it was a very innovative show, the other shows didn' t even had repeating arcs, they had the same story in EVERY SINGLE FREAKING episode. Hell, even Pokemon came after DB and still insisted on using the same scenario and lines in every freaking episode. DB was the first shonen, to my knowledge, whose hero grew along with the audience and even died at some point. The other major shonen when I was a kid was Saint Seiya : - MWAHAHAHA ! Die you measly bronze saint ! - Oh crap, I' m done this time. - Urm, hello ? Saori calling, don' t you dare loosing today, sucker. - Bummer, she' s right ! BURN, my cosmos !!! - What the ... huh ? I thought you were dead ! - Don' t you know you can' t hit a saint twice using the same move ? Take this, creep, PEGASUS METEOR !!! - AAAARGH ! - Love always wins. Repeat as needed (hundreds of episodes).
Seems like Tifa fits my playing style the best, I' ll have to try them all to be sure. My main in Dissidia was Zidane (he' s the only character which allows me to survive for several hundred fights in the Lunar Whale course). I hope Tifa, or someone else, will prove to be even more effective against the computer, I' m kinda tired of playing with Zidane.
Sorry but nope, here' s the proof : [video=youtube;FCb9QKPRxvg][/video]
Bartz Vs Gilgamesh : [video=youtube;SpPZAhF749Q][/video] Also, here' s some weird pics from the French release : Spoiler Seems like they didn' t translate the game entirely, all the menus are still in English. I couldn' t care less since my PSP is set on English, but this info led to a lot of angry posts on French forums. ^^
No it' s not, it' s like killing a plant (a living thing with NO BRAIN). I draw a line at "it has a brain, therefore emotions and feelings", not at "it' s living". I also happen to not be against euthanasia in certain cases but that' s not the topic. If the embryo doesn' t have a brain yet then abortion is just as "murderous" as picking flowers or masturbating IMO. Saying that it' s not OK, that a rape baby could be abandoned if it' s unwanted etc ... is like saying any ovule is a potential healthy baby and we should force any potent women to mate every nine months and force her not to waste a single ovule. Who cares if she doesn' t want any baby ? She can always abandon it, right ? Otherwise she' s murdering her living human ovules.
Am I to understand that florists and gardeners getting rid of weed are murderers in your opinion ? If the embryo doesn' t have any brain function yet I have no problem with abortion. ^This.
Well it doesn' t affect everyone the same way, I' m just saying that it wouldn' t drive me to do things entirely out of character or over the top stupid while being drunk could. I' m certainly not trying to say that it' s not a drug or that it isn' t dangerous at all. My parents never figured out that I was smoking, I had to tell them myself. Yesterday I saw a guy on TV saying that he obtained his driver license while being totally high during the exams.
As far as I know the only stupid thing it could lead someone to do is laugh for no specific reason. It also slows down your reflexes/makes you sleepy (a sort of caffeine opposite) and makes you hungry. Marijuana isn' t like alcohol, you stay very much aware of everything you' re doing when you smoke some, and it doesn' t alter your personality in any way. ... or beating up a total stranger for no other reason than the weird way he looked at you, or throwing up everywhere. That' s exactly what I' m trying to say. When I smoke I' m still me, when I drink too much I' m someone else.
French collector Edition revealed : The black leaflet on the right allows the player to download two costumes : - Amano Tifa - KH Squall
Personally I' m more curious to see the next Wolverine movie, since it will be directed by Darren Aronofsky. Oh well, X-men first class comes first. [video=youtube;UrbHykKUfTM][/video]
Exactly. The same could be said about video games, by the way. The last time I bought cannabis was more than three months ago, I dunno if I could stop playing video games or surfing the web for more than three days.
Harder Faster Stronger was inspired by a Georges Brassens song. Someone decided to make a cool video for that song à la Daft Punk. Bathe in the epic funkiness that will leave you speechless ! ^^ [video=youtube;BiNXB5VCfnQ][/video] Nah, just kidding, Daft Punk didn' t copy Brassens, someone just had fun singing Daft Punk à la Brassens. The imitation is so well done that I had to check where the hell that song came from.
I' d say either legalize canabis or prohibit alcohol, otherwise there' s a major hypocrisy there. People get arrested for possessing weed, but at the same time they' re allowed to buy any amount of whiskey they want ? Yeah, right ... Personally I' d rather have it legalized, that way I wouldn' t have to buy ****** stuff from shady guys anymore. There' s already a LOT of alcohol drinkers everywhere, so I don' t think legalizing cannabis would worsen the overall drug consumption one bit.
My power is garbage and my weakness is Final Fantasy XIII. Life is full of funny coincidences !
Duodecim OST official website :
I' d say the Bible, the Coran, the Iliad or whatever made the world what it is today. "Potatoes Potaytoes", maybe, but I' ve actually seen the Bible, whereas I' m still waiting for God to show up. Maybe science will allow us to find another viable planet and go there to waste it, who knows ? I' m not sure the end of earth resources would necessarily mean the end of mankind. Spoiler [video=youtube;IM1-DQ2Wo_w][/video]