She probably has priorities and not enough money for every single good game on both the 3DS and Vita.
It's short, but totally worth it. It has lots of replay value too. Getting through the whole game without killing anyone feels great!
I couldn't get into KOTOR2, but I hear it's great if you've played the first one. Dishonored is amazing and you should get it on PC because it's 100% more awesome when you only pay 34% of the price. The Bioshock games are so yes that they put Shuhei Yoshida to shame.
You are one lucky Scunthorpe, you know that?
I would do that, but not only are all of these cards pretty common, they're also all available in the Market, which meas that the base value is already set. All I can do for now is wait for prices to rise on their own and then swoop in to offer the best deal. In the meantime, I'm selling my Portal 2 cards in order to pay for more Summer Sale cards which I can sell once they get rare
Ah, I see now. Still, I'm depending on what they'll probably be worth after the sale is over and the super low priced ones are gone from people trying to level up their Summer Getaway badges one last time, not what they're worth now that they're still free. I do see your point, though.[DOUBLEPOST=1374434960][/DOUBLEPOST] No, it will be rare because soon it won't be available outside of the Market.
Or else what?
Isn't that coincidental, not ironic?
I could see them moving it to the back of the timeslot right before Inuyasha and then pushing everything else forward.
Yeah, but bad by comparison to something great is not the same as bad overall.
Hey, it's not bad. It just has a below average level of goodness.
Oh, that must mean Bleach is on.
Spend your night KH-Vidsing.
Because Bioshock Infinite is a very popular game, it only stands to reason that its trading card from the Summer Sale is in high demand. Once it cannot be obtained for free via voting and buying stuff in the sale, its supply will begin plummet. Based on this prediction, I've been using the remaining few cents in my wallet to buy as many Bioshock Infinite Summer Getaway trading cards as I can. Once the sale is over, I'll watch the prices for the card skyrocket to prices that I expect may get to be as high as 50 cents apiece. I spent a little under 50 cents on all three of those cards, so if I'm right, I'll have a profit margin of over 200%. Disclaimer: I'm not completely sure of what all those words like "profit margin" and "supply" and "three" mean. As such, I'm probably wrong about everything here.
Don't hold your breath on the name change, though. The name change thread has been zetta slow for the past week.
Actually, it is hentai, it's just the kind of hentai with such a well done emotional aspect that the sex scenes turn out to be much nicer than in hentai. Each girl has a really great plot and their stories are pretty good too.[DOUBLEPOST=1374367685][/DOUBLEPOST] Forget the pants. His ankles are exposed!
He seemed pretty serious to me. Seriously, full shutdowns do wonders for performance. Let me share a tale with you. My old high school had a computer that had been on literally nonstop for around five years. When it started screwing up big time, nobody knew what to do about it. I'm surprised it didn't screw up big time within the first year. I asked the administration if it had anything super important on it that would be lost forever if they had to get rid of it and transfer everything on the hard drive to the new computer. They said no. I pressed the power button for five seconds, then turned it on and walked out of the room with a smug smile on my face. I probably didn't look as cool as I thought I did.
Your post implied that it went into sleep mode because you let it on without using it for a while. That said, do you actually think that leaving your computer in sleep mode is the same as turning it off? FYI, it's not.
Have you considered not leaving it on when you go out? A computer is like a car. Having it on, even if you're not using it, makes it degrade with age much faster than having it off.