It's obviously soda. He just likes to show off his muscles.
Claire Toriyama does have a nice ring to it.
That's not the French flag. That's the Australian Flag. It's there because Nate_River is from Australia, where they don't have Best Buy, Gamestop, Home Depot and Wal-Mart. And because you seem to be vexillogically impaired, this is a French Flag:
Oh, you should also get Hatsune Miku's Project Diva 2nd and/or EXTEND. The Project Diva games are some of the best rhythm games I've ever played and it would be a shame for you not to experience it.
Yes, because you clearly downloaded a badly disguised ripoff of Blazblue.
Don't hold your breath. The first one took well over a year if I remember correctly. Ugh.
I don't think they confirmed anything about translating the sequel, but I'm pretty sure it's a given since the remake is a compilation of the first and second games. It would make zero sense to remove half of an entire game in localization.
Dangan Ronpa and its sequel are getting a compilation remake on the Vita, but the original one is on the PSP.[DOUBLEPOST=1374896409][/DOUBLEPOST] P3P is a good game, but it's only worth buying for the female protagonist if you already have P3 or P3FES. My main beef with it is the vastly oversimplified battle system.
Thank you, Trigger, for causing my loins to ache.
You of all people should know that you can't be pretty if you're already beautiful.
It brought me despair as an English speaker.
My favorite is Pikablu.
What about the whole "quitting the Kingdom Hearts franchise" thing?
That's called "being high," if I remember correctly.
I heard that a young woman of childbearing age gave birth to a baby yesterday following nine months of pregnancy. Was that it?
Well, there's Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. It's one of the most fun rhythm games I've ever played, right up there with the Project Diva series. There's also Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, but it's best enjoyed after playing 999, which is really hard to find these days. It's on both the 3DS and the Vita, but I found the gameplay on the Vita version better because the stylus isn't as good for panning around rooms. Hatsune Miku's Project Diva f is a great on the Vita too. PDF for the PS3 is coming out in the States this August, but I found the Vita version easier to get used to because the touchscreen is better for the star triggers than the analog sticks. I'd also suggest investing in a DS flashcart so you can play all your DS games without having to carry them around with you. The one that I use is the Supercard DSTwo. You just need to make sure to follow the instructions if you're upgrading its firmware for the first time. Ideally, you'd do it on a DS or DSi, but it'll work on the 3DS using a sort of roundabout way.
Even if it were all Steve Blum in the Japanese version too?
I won three times in about 15 minutes. I think it was mostly due to luck, though.
Star Command would be interesting as sub-world to a Toy Story world like the 100-Acre-Wood or Space Paranoids, but it wouldn't be good as its own world. Come to think of it, Star Command and Woody's Roundup could both be good as sub-worlds to a Toy Story world. A world based on Toy Story itself would fit into Kingdom Hearts much better that Star Command, but it would still be very nice to have it represented somehow. Going into Buzz and Woody's respective worlds would also be a great way to lengthen a Toy Story world's plot because, let's face it, a Toy Story world would probably be very short simply because there aren't a lot of points that would make a good beginning and end without making the world unreasonably large and thus boring to navigate. Woody's Roundup and Star Command would be perfect for extending the plot without having to extend the world farther than necessary. Now that I'm thinking of it, it seems like most Pixar movies would have scaling issues like that because there would either be too many recognizable areas (Toy Story: Andy's room, Sid's room, both backyards, the gas station, Pizza Planet, etc) and not enough ways to connect them or not enough recognizable areas (Monsters Inc: Boo's room, the Arctic, and the warehouse with all the doors) with too many other areas needed to connect them. The Pixarverse is just too big to be able to include an entire movie's story in one world without it getting boring from a gameplay perspective.