Okay, false-ish alarm. I shouldnt be gone that long. I got into a fight with my mother.. Not pretty on either end...
Hey, I have some bad news. You may not be seeing much of me for awhile, there is some stuff going on at home... I may be grounded for a long...
Technicly we have met before, right before whoyear :D lol But we did not actually meet meet lol. My name is Adam (you have probably guessed that...
Then time for more looking into lol. I sadly cannot look right now, for I must got to bed lol. Night, I will try to have an answer for you by the...
Ah, yes. I figured that out after I saw the message lol. Never the less, hello to you anyways XD
R2: *taps out in morris code* "English"
lol Thank you for telling me. Hello to you too :D
I got mail? YEEEESSSS!!! I GOT MAIL! :D I feel special :3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hello.
You go to the icon of the command prompt. Once you find it, right click it. When you right click it, a menu will pop up. Somewhere near the top...
What is what? XP? Its the previous version of windows, before 7. I run Windows XP [IMG] And system error 5? Whats that? (Besides the fith error...
lol I figured that. Try the run as thing, I dont have the option on XP, but I want to see if it works lol.
lol yup. It was a thought that came to me in the shower XD If you think of it, the government makes the money and puts it in banks. You do a job...
R2: "English. Mixed with scripting" "Lets start with this. Can you understand me?"
lol Okay, I guess you can shoot yourself if you truely want to XD I have found a method to make yourself administraighter, but you need a...
*un-shoots self* (Its somehow posible XD) HEY! Nobody shoots me but me! lol Why did you have to shoot me? Is all that sleepyness getting to you?