Subwoofers: Probably one of the few things Sony can do right :3
LOL Four dreams fufilled in one shot XD And google is the barer of bad news D: A used subwoofer goes anywhere from $30 to $90, and a new one...
You can come with me! You are small enough to fit in your dresser, you can surely fit in a large man's suitcase LOL I will give you a laptop and...
Indeed. I intend to visit Kelly :D In total, I probably have about $300 in my room in cash and spare change XD Oh, and three dollers in my...
lol I have the money, but I kinda have plans for it. I am saving up for a trip to England. How much does a subwoofer sell for anyways? :)
lol I would need... $200 for it lol. Two in front for normal sound, and two behind the front ones for blasting beats and dubstep XD
Sweetness :) Want to know something funny? You know how I told you block busters was going out of buisness? They are selling their cealing...
So, what have you been up to since we last spoke? :o I made a poster, did some computer stuff, went to block buster (they are going out of...
Coolness indeed :D And weekend for the win. We al get to sleep in and do whatever we want. Yaknow, THE MAN isnt trying to keep you down XD LOL
So, you know in vivid detail how I am, how are you my sister? :D
All is good, and yay! You are online! :glomp:
Of coarse, you assume it was my fault XD If my mother asks, sure, it was my fault. I got into an arguement with her. Oddly enough, I am not in...
Yup, knock on wood, but I am healthy as a horse :D *furiously knocks on wood* WOOOD!!!!!! lol. I hope you feel better soon D:
I got into a fight with my mother. Thats all you need to know lol. I won My computer is back up and running :D
You dont wanna know. And by that I mean, you do want to know, but there is no way I am telling you. All you need to know is we faught lol.
I dont know XD I think of the randomest crap at the randomest times XD
I will send you a pm so long as you promise no to tell anybody, and please dont think any different of me.
Okay, it twas a false alarm. I should be back in a day or so. Surprisingly I am not in any trouble O.o Anyways, I should be back in a day or so,...
I got into a fight with my mother. Not fun or pretty. Surprisingly I am not grounded, I just need to hook up my computer agian.