I thought you already wanted to know XD
Welp, the FBI will be too scared to look here XD I am sorry, but I must go to bed. Its a few minutes away from being morning XD Well I can still...
*walks through portal* *looks around* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Qglv7Fyfo O.o
*opens portal to destiny islands*
You are a part of my game crew, and I need to get a general idea of what worlds to use for this game and my next (The next game idea fills my...
Hmm, lets go to hell Atlantis! :D On second thought, lets go to Destiny Islands. They would never think to look some place that doesnt exsist! :D...
Ha, you stole that pic from me XD (And most likely a few thousand other people on the internet XD) Sweet, where do you want to go first?
Oh yea? Look agian. The FBI was listening, and now its out to get you and your cake throwing gang >.> Better start running <.< Hide out in my...
Hmmm.... Not very efficiant... Nor is it very senseable.... But you know what? It sounds a hell of alot more fun than the garbage XD I have only...
Hellz yea, icing on three sides :D Any other pice is good too, but only two sides are iced XD What kind of cake was it anyways? XD
lol Go for it man XD Sure, why the heck not XD Save me a slice.
Haha, a month later? You cant just say the cake is a lie? XD Ah well, I am sure you will be fine. Its been there a month, it can stay there...
lol I am good, why you having an afair witha screw driver? XD
lol you procrastinator you XD How are you?
lol Odd. Perhaps its phycological? lol Nah, doubt it XD Eather way, glad to hear you are well :D
Any luck with the admin? :D
I am sorry, but I must go. I wish you luck with becomming admin! Tell me if it doesnt work, worst case scenario I steel my sister's laptop and...
Spoiler Going from most awesome to just plain horrible, where do you place the worlds of KH2? My list goes like this: The world that never was Disney Castle (Because of Terra in FM) Space Paranoids Twilight town Port Royal Hallow Bastian Agrabah Pride Lands Halloween Town Timeless River Olimpis coliseum Land of the dragons Beast's castle Atlantica I believe that is all of them. Your thoughts and list? :D
Ah, but even No Man could take down a cyclops and ecape with their life :D (Its a book reference, The Oddysey)
And thats what a mad man does :3 And major typo on that last post XD That first word was "Thats"