I understood it immediately, maybe thanks to the Harry Potter grade system (the worst grade you can get at Hogwarts is "T" for "Troll"). The verb also exists in French now, "troller" (je trolle, tu trolles ...), I wonder if it exists in other languages ...
I always thought it was quite weird that Mary was married to Joseph and yet somehow managed to stay a virgin. I remember my catechism teacher looked quite annoyed whenever I addressed that topic.
Yes, it was released years ago. The graphics and backgrounds are indeed similar to those of the actual game. To the letter. However we could see Lightning in backgrounds that she never gets to see in the game, ie the Sun' leth coast (which I can totally understand, they didn' t want to reveal any character but Lightning at that time) and the gameplay looked much more epic than the one we ended up with. For a full analysis by Motomu Toriyama himself of what went wrong or right between the moment that trailer was released and the moment the game was released see here : /Exclusive_Behind_The_Scenes_Of_Square_Enixs_Final_Fantasy_XIII.php My main concern about SquareEnix trailers is that they shouldn' t show any cinematic disguised as gameplay footage if there isn' t any real gameplay to show, that' s just dumb, unless of course they actually want players to feel cheated in the end. At least Nomura had the intellectual honesty to say that all the VsXIII gameplay footage revealed had been massively tempered with. He said nothing of that sort concerning the DDD trailer so maybe the gameplay shown in that trailer is the real deal. If in KH DDD the player can really glide, then bounce from wall to wall for 10 seconds, grab a lampost, twirl around, jump and finally smash his keyblade to the ground then bravo Nomura. It doesn' t look as hard to implement as what was shown in the FFXIII trailer would have been, but it doesn' t seem easy to implement either (maybe we' ll just have to mash the triangle button until we' re satisfied with our position and press X to attack). Urgh ... That' s exactly what I feared.
All of SquareEnix trailers shouldn' t be taken too seriously. Let' s not forget that one too : Spoiler [video=youtube;k125BfJ4lac]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k125BfJ4lac[/video] Sure, it' s pretty, Lightning fighting an army of ennemies all by herself while jumping everywhere looks super nice, but can the player actually do all of that just by choosing actions in a menu ? That' s what I wondered as soon as I saw that trailer. As it turned out, no, he can' t. The FFVsXIII latest trailer featured a teleporting Noctis, but Nomura later said that he' s unsure if Noctis will actually be able to do that in the final product. He' d like him to do so, the concept seems wicked on paper, but it' s hard to actually implement in a gameplay : if the player doesn' t even know where Noctis will appear he' ll have no way to plan a precise action or combo. Even worse, the whole thing could backfire on the player (if the enemies adapt their behavior to Noctis new position quicker than the player), so the teleporting concept as a whole would be utterly useless. I get the same feeling when I watch the KH DDD trailer : Sora jumping, gliding, looping and waltzing here and there using the background to do so seems über cool, but is all of that really playable, or is that really a cutscene disguised as gameplay footage meant to give a glimpse of the "bold action" that Nomura hopes to achieve ?
What' s that ? A pokemon-penis association ? There are some lines you just not meant to ever cross you know ? You all need a massive gotta save them all dose. [video=youtube;PyclBRebNW8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PyclBRebNW8#at=187[/video]
Would you stop smashing topics please ?
For those who missed it (spoiler, obviously) here is the video : Spoiler [video=youtube;JE2KbLQuM50]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE2KbLQuM50&feature=player_embedded[/video]
He had a cameo in each LotR movie (and more) so I wouldn' t be surprised to see him as a hobbit in the upcoming movies. [video=youtube;tvgwXAky1t8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvgwXAky1t8[/video] Edit : It' s kind of old news now, but since no one mentioned it : [video=youtube;eW4NGSIHYa0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW4NGSIHYa0[/video]
In her interview with Oprah JK Rowling said she wouldn' t allow any movie remakes. Ever. Of course she could change her mind about that later, but she seemed rather adamant about this. Spoiler [video=youtube;-Ep1wJjAm8Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ep1wJjAm8Q[/video] [video=youtube;9Y8TJqBtV8Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y8TJqBtV8Y&NR=1[/video] [video=youtube;snQi8y23XTs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snQi8y23XTs&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;YnQmXS5hmfA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnQmXS5hmfA&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;MX9KvdCW-QI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX9KvdCW-QI&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;_1_ALsQsKoQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1_ALsQsKoQ&feature=related[/video]
Hmmm ... Pop-tarts aren' t sold in France and the Nyan cat is pretty popular here nonetheless. Hell, I' m not even sure they' re sold in Catalunya, I lived near its border for 20 years but I had to google "pop-tart" to figure out what it was. So ... ADD maybe ! ^^
Do you feel a compelling urge to go to Catalunya, eat pop-tart and speak Nyan ?
You' ve got a point, I cannot understand how someone' s death could help anyone to feel better about a loss or lead to cheering and I probably never will. I just wanted to add something : Ben Laden was just a patsy. The real culprits, those who could have changed their mind and didn' t, died in the planes crash. Which of course was no comfort to anyone. (Plus I' m a bit skeptical about what really happened that day, but that' s off topic).
I know, I should have mentioned that I edited the "oh wait" part, at first I wrote that to agree with you. The thing is that the masculine body itself is more taboo than the feminine one, we can see plenty of adds with nude women but I only remember one add showing a nude man (it was in the eighties). Let' s not even think about showing an erect penis or two men having sex.
Well, I know that French song (be warned, the pictures are explicit) : Spoiler [video=youtube;g-Mm4kwsWuc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Mm4kwsWuc&feature=related[/video] Same song, same singer, in Spanish : Spoiler [video=youtube;B-SKt4OPSsE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-SKt4OPSsE&feature=related[/video] She doesn' t say "I love her", she sings about gay love (why shouldn' t we talk about it, as if there was anything to be ashamed of, etc ...) It was a pretty popular song here back in the days. I dunno, maybe the subject isn' t as taboo in Europe. Yeah, I would have a hard time finding the same kind of song with men. Oh, wait ... : Spoiler [video=youtube;fBSek9qTQhA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBSek9qTQhA[/video]
They haven' t always been like this, up until the Wii they always released systems more powerful than those already existing (the Nes was more powerful than the Master System, the Snes was more powerful than the Megadrive, the N64 was more powerful than the Playstation or the Saturn and the Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2). I don' t know how Nintendo advertised the N64 in the US, but I remember pretty well those "If you wanna cry next year, ask a 32 bits for Christmas" adds that Nintendo published in French magazines when they realized they weren' t able to release their " Ultra 64" (N64) as quickly as they had hoped. Spoiler On those adds you can read "Pour faire d' excellents jeux la vitesse et la puissance de calcul sont décisives", which means "Speedy and powerful processing capabilities are required to make excellent games". That sentence is signed by Shigeru Miyamoto himself. As I already stated "who can do more can do less", not the other way around. Sure, a good gameplay is better than scenery porn, but you know what' s even better ? Both, which they haven' t been able to do for a while now. Other people only care for good gameplay and realize that "innovative" doesn' t necessarily mean "good". I own both the Wii and the NDS, I' m honestly not impressed at all. Doing the same games over and over just changing the controls isn' t what I call "good" (I can' t stand the Wiimote, it sucks, just give us our controllers back). What is Nintendo' s big kick-ass game for the 3DS again ? Oh right, Ocarina Of Time. In 3D. Hurray.
When it came to getting weird things done, sane beat mad hands down.
My point was rather that maybe there' s a way for them to regain one over time, or at the very least to regain something close enough. Or you' re right and they just act "as if" for no other reason than because it' s in their nature to do so every now and then ... I' m not sure I wanna know what' s the right way to look at it.
I just apply logic, whether we' re talking about KH or not. I see nothing in the KH "rules" that contradict that kind of logic. The journal entries says nobodies have no heart, but they don' t explain what a "heart" is in the first place (which is clever from Nomura since neither religion nor science can describe what a soul or a conscience is, where it comes from, nor what it' s made of exactly). Furthermore, it' s not written in stone that nobodies "have no heart" in the KH universe, whatever that means, that' s just DiZ opinion and nothing says he couldn' t be proven wrong about that, right ? A way for Nomura to say that maybe sometimes logic/science can' t explain everything. If nobodies think they have feelings then they do have some. From their behavior I gather that they have both free will and self-awareness. I don' t see any crucial difference between having feelings or remembering what feelings are enough to act on it. Pondering over what you could feel before and can' t feel anymore is, in itself, a feeling. It' s called nostalgia. Feeling you have a void to fill is a feeling, right ? Well, I guess Roxas could be the key to nobodies self-empowerment. ^^ I like to think that witnessing feelings (may it be from Roxas, Xion or Repliku) is what triggered Axel to feel more than just a void or nostalgia, but we could also say that Ven' s heart err ... "touched him" somehow.
Precisely. There' s no such thing as "false" feelings. I think therefore I am. The logical study of any "truth" or "reality" is based on that postulate. None of us can really prove that he' s not a mere program stuck in a simulated reality. Even though Roxas is described as being special, in KH2 we saw Axel displaying a ... what is it called again ? A change of heart ? I highly doubt feelings weren' t involved when he sacrificed himself. The only explanation I can think of is that nobodies are remnants of themselves. The, err, "stronger" they become, for lack of a better term, the closest the remnant gets to the original, the more memories and feelings come back to them (it appears memories come back first). In 358/2 Days didn' t Saix ask Axel something along the lines of "Which would you rather keep ? The fake friendship, or the real one ?" Free will and feelings spotted. I haven' t played ReCoded yet but from what I' ve read in Nomura interviews I gather that Data Sora might have a heart too.