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  1. Patman
    I just stumbled upon this :
    I feel like listening a much smarter version of myself. Combining what I learned in catechism, at school and from personal experience I pretty much ended up drawing the same conclusions about "God" as him. I' l let you decide whether this is a closer understanding of God than the Christian understanding or not. ^^
    Post by: Patman, Jun 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. Patman
    Don' t worry, artificial intelligence has its own uncanny valley, a wider one that we haven' t even remotely begin to cross. More than often real life artificial intelligences are based on Asimov three laws of robotic (Asimov wasn' t just a writer, he was a scientist too). The story of I Robot couldn' t happen in real-life (scientists are very much aware of the few robotic laws flaws). Asimov stories aren' t supposed to scare people from robots, actually it' s the quite the opposite, they' re supposed to criticize humanity using robots as a mirror (as in the Matrix movies).
    Post by: Patman, Jun 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. Patman


    He' s faking it, remember ? He' s the one who brought the troll in the first place. ^^
    Post by: Patman, May 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
  5. Patman
    Is it just me or does it look like Disney is making its own Kingdom Hearts game ? What with the Keyblade wielding Stich and all ...
    The game will feature 30 costumes and 6 Disney worlds. I wonder if they will throw a Sora costume.
    Thread by: Patman, May 30, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Patman
    We mostly use those characters in heavy FX shots or in shots that have camera/human movements too complex for a real camera/human. They' re like stunt doubles.
    The day animating such a character will be cheaper than hiring a real one is still far ahead. We already know how to make photorealistic objects or backgrounds that are past the uncanny valley, we mostly use them in shots that have object movements impossible to anticipate (the feather or the ping pong ball in Forrest Gump) or in shots that have tricky camera moves (the Fight Club intro).

    On a side note I don' t think the Advent Children characters are scary, not even close (and I should mention that with that movie SquareEnix actually took a step back from the more realistic character approach they had in Spirits Within). There' s a difference between an obviously fake on-screen character and a real-life robot that might blow a fuse and rip my head off.
    Post by: Patman, May 29, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  7. Patman
    Post by: Patman, May 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    I don' t get it, you want them to take their time in order to deliver a game as complete as it could possibly get ... and then you also want DLCs ? It' s one or the other, you can' t have both. DLCs are just a lame excuse to either sell incomplete games at full price or to make people pay for gadget bonus stuff that should have been free. SquareEnix should be ashamed of milking Duodecim the way they currently are, people already paid full price for what' s essentially copied and pasted content from the first Dissidia. Seriously, when I think of the time and work they need to model a measly costume and then see how much they sell it it makes me wanna puke.

    I' m all for free DLCs, but "surprisingly" most DLCs are paying (more than often at an outrageous price).
    Unfortunately SE bad 2010 financial results led them to announce an incoming paying DLC shitstorm, amongst other things. I hope time will tell them it was a bad move, but I' m not holding my breath (that decision is probably a sign that Duodecim DLCs were profitable).
    Post by: Patman, May 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  9. Patman
    Post by: Patman, May 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    Especially when science plainly contradicts any literal interpretation of the Bible (or at the very least of the Old Testament). For example the Bible says that Adam and Eve were instantly sent on Earth and then gave birth to all of humanity (inbreeding says hi). It also says that Earth was created in seven days. Either the Bible' s wrong or the whole thing is just a bunch of metaphors. Or, third option, silly me, the science is wrong cause God staged some false leads about our origins, the DNA mechanisms and a whole batshit insane bunch of stuff all over the freaking existence. After all it' s not funny if God doesn' t do his best at misleading everyone into NOT believing in him.

    Personally I' d go with metaphors, I' m always astonished when I see that some people have no trouble believing both in science and in a literal interpretation of the Bible, it only makes me wonder what kind of science they were taught exactly.

    In short, my point is that whether what' s described in the Bible actually happened or not, or contradicts science or not, is irrelevant. It' s the meaning of the story that really matters.

    In the catholic point of view any kind of suffering is actually a blessing. Ignoring that fact when trying to understand the Bible can only lead to Epicurus-esque contradictions.

    I' ve read somewhere that people studying religious texts pointed out that Hell hasn' t always been described (in Jew texts) the way it is now (and not described at all even before that): if any soul in Paradise were to see and pity a soul stucked in Hell all of its sins would be forgiven and he would instantly be allowed into Paradise. Eventually a Pope (don' t remember which one) asked for that passage to be modified. He must have thought most people wouldn' t be that reluctant to sin heavily if the prize to pay was so cheap (no kidding ^^).

    It would appear that in the oldest Jew texts known there was only a Paradise and a Purgatory, I never bothered to seriously check any of this.
    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  11. Patman


    If anyone can find his home on Google earth imagine what the army can do. I' m just saying ... ^^
    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2011 in forum: Literature
  12. Patman
    The look on your face when you learn he' s a teacher at your kids' school ? That' s priceless.

    Plus isn' t it nice for a teacher to spread inaccurate facts as truth ? What, are there trolling teachers in school nowadays ? Please don' t tell me he' s the Biology teacher.
    Post by: Patman, May 23, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  13. Patman
    What the ... huh ... what the ... what the HELL is that music doing here ?
    I thought the French DBZ opening was the worst thing ever done to the saga (trust me, you don' t wanna hear it). I was wrong. I checked the US opening after seeing your video, it' s just as disrespectful and possibly just as bad.
    At least we didn' t change the musics or try to dub the berserk Japanese screams (the dubber did a pretty good job at such a ridiculous task though). I even read somewhere that in the US version trunks were drawn in every nude Goku scene.

    Anyway, forget those Sayan 3 lessons, they sell that crap at the airport. Arale would beat Goku into a bloody pulp any day. Fear her breast missiles ! Bask in the power of a trusty frying pan !
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    I don' t understand that article at all, apart from the tittle the whole thing is gibberish.

    What the who ? Was' t CoM released way before BBS development even began ? Are they talking about Re:CoM ?
    What game are they talking about exactly ? BBS ? CoM ?

    No kidding. I' m so thrilled to hear that.

    An HD game ? Again, what game are we talking about exactly ? Neither BBS nor CoM I suppose, since neither are HD games.

    Anyway, I really couldn' t care less that BBS ended up on the PSP since it' s nearly just as powerful as a PS2. The recent Type 0 gameplay video is one more proof of that (not that I needed such a proof after seeing Crisis Core, Dissidia, Peace Walker or BBS). An UMD doesn' t have as much space as a DVD, but if that actually was a problem they could have released the game on 2 UMDs, just like Type 0. Since they managed to add things in the Final Mix I guess memory space wasn' t a concern at all. Furthermore the PS2 market died a long time before BBS was released, it' s no surprise SE ended up choosing the PSP instead.

    The only grudge I hold towards BBS, on a technical level, is that it doesn' t have a CG ending. The real time cutscene of the KH2 secret ending wasn' t nearly as epic as the CG one.
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Patman
    As long as the KH sequels are full-fledged games (BBS) rather than filler games (Re:Coded), reusing the same worlds over and over to a sickening point, I' m fine with them.
    I think people desperately want KH3 for three reasons :
    - They grew tired of filler games dripping on every single console.
    - They want a PS3 HD game. Let' s face it, so far SquareEnix hasn' t done a great job on the PS3.
    - They want the saga to end so that they can finally enjoy the whole saga as it was meant to be. The final chapter of every saga always gives the ultimate comprehension keys, allowing the reader/viewer to enjoy the first chapters under a new light. Pushing KH3 further and further in time deprives players from that pleasure, when they go back to KH1 or KH2 they' re stuck with questions and plot holes.
    If JK Rowling had left readers pondering over the "Half Blood Prince" opened ending for seven years, or if Peter Jackson had done the same between "The Two Towers" and "Return Of The King" people would have been upset, for good reasons. It' s not that surprising that most people go all "screw that ****" and move on.
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  16. Patman
    The official site has been updated :

    On a side-note, I' m probably reading too much into this but ... the characters remind me of something :

    Edit : 20 minutes gameplay footage :
    The last minute is epic win ! :=D:
    Post by: Patman, May 21, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  17. Patman
    Don' t worry, that was just a dream. Oh no I' ve said too much !
    Post by: Patman, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patman
    Fear not. Our savior will come and then we' ll talk of him instead. That' s what they said on TV. Yes.
    Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! DOOD !
    ARGH America is beautiful !
    Post by: Patman, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patman
    Post by: Patman, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    Gameinformer published a list of confirmed E3 games, DDD is one of them :
    Post by: Patman, May 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates