I played all the Zelda games and I' m quite happy they didn' t change the basic concept too much (find object 1, use it to clear dungeon 1 and find object 2 etc ...), it' s refreshing to know that the game title isn' t lying about what I' m about to buy (Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill SM, FFXIII anyone ?). However I can' t stand the wiimote, I think I' ll skip Skyward Sword. Than you so much Nintendo for never making any big tittles compatible with the classic pad, why did you even bother to sell such a thing ? Oh wait ... I' d like to see Nintendo forget the crappy control toys, that' s just a colossal waste of both our time and theirs. The problem is that Nintendo IS a toy maker. They never intended to target their main games at a growing audience, they always aimed kids first and foremost.
Achievement locked. Achievement unlocked. Achievement locked. Achievement unlocked. Achievement locked. Achievement unlocked. Achievement locked. Achievement unlocked. Achievement locked. Achievement unlocked. ...
How about Naruto vs. Bleach vs. Dragon Ball vs. One Piece vs. Death Note vs. HunterXhunter vs. Shaman King vs. a bunch of other Shonen Jump characters then ? Cause that game already exists ! :sparta: [video=youtube;xSqdATq18aU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSqdATq18aU[/video]
[video=youtube;qaG8YKjfms4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaG8YKjfms4[/video] http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-disney-universe/716163
I took WipeOut, inFAMOUS, Dead Nation and Little Big Planet. I have two accounts on the same PS3. :ninja: I also took Little Big Planet on my third PSP account. When I did a bug occurred which prevented me to select another PSP game, but it doesn' t really bother me for some reason. :lolface: The fifth game available in Europe isn' t Stardust HD BTW, it' s Ratchet and Clank quest for booty. Those who created a Japanese account can pick two games available there. German accounts also have their own game selection (censorship ratings issues).
Precisely. Showing their latest gadget running casual demos rather than actual hardcore games was very ... Nintendesque. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/08/nintendo-stock-down-5-percent-after-wii-u-reveal/
Spam Zone, check.
In FFXIII eidolons were sent by Etro (her name is written in the summoning drawings). http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Eidolon_(Final_Fantasy_XIII) I suppose dark bahamut was sent by Lindzei to his pawn.
A wild guess : Spoiler In an interview the director said that the two characters on the logo are the equivalent of a demon and an angel, but that Lightning isn' t necessarily the angel. Also, in the Fabula Nova Crystallis legend, Etro was described as being "foolish". Who wants to bet we' ll spend the entire game running after Buniberzei, Lindzei and their "devil", watching Lightning rebelling against Etro' s plan in the process ? (i.e. we are not mere Fal' cie' s tools, humans, including the "devil" one, can be closer to Muin, a.k.a the only real "God" in this story, than Etro or any Fal' cie is ever gonna be) [video=youtube;cisUvE6lP0w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cisUvE6lP0w&feature=player_embedded[/video] Lol @ "Noël Christ" ! (Noël means Christmas in French) :lolface:
How can you tell ? Have you studied the original Hebrew texts ? Which translation are you referring as "the" translation exactly ? As I already said : There are many ways to translate anything, there can be several different yet equally valid translations of the same text. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_translations_of_the_Bible
On The French SquareEnix Members Forum there' s a "what kind of info do you expect from E3 ?" topic, dunno if such a thing was created on the US SEMembers site. I asked for a VsXIII release date amongst other things, just to be sure it will indeed be released eventually. I' m far from being the only one asking for that. ^^ I' m not holding my breath for an answer though, I highly doubt the guys from SE France are able to give us any info that wasn' t planned to be revealed worldwide by SE Japan. Hell, I' m not even sure anyone from SE Japan will read any of our questions, none of the questions that the FFIV Complete Collection developers ended up answering were from the French forum ...
The whole Konami conference : [video=youtube;BXvDQgv8SPc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXvDQgv8SPc[/video]
I' m sure you meant it earned enough money to justify a hasty cow milking sequel. FFVII sold 9,7 million copies making it the top-seller FF, FFXIII sold 4,6 millions making it the lowest-seller FF since FFVII (FFXII sold 5,7 millions BTW ^^). Source : gamrReview. If FFXIII-2 sells as well as FFXIII I guess I' ll just have to shut up. I doubt it but, ah, well, we' ll see ... ^^
That' s the kind of comment I never read before FFXIII was released. If it was that boring why the hell did people play them in the first place ? How come the constant FF remakes are selling like crazy if they' re so "slow and boring" ? Slow wasn' t a problem before, hell it still isn' t. I' d have control over speed any day in a turn-based RPG, no problem there whatsoever. Moreover, the FFXIII fights are probably the longest in the series "thanks" to the stagger meter, and there' s nothing else to do in the game but fight. Snore. Huh ? Play with Fang (highest HP), add Lightning and Hope/Vanille, switch between com/rav/rav, com/syn/sab and def/med/med or com/med/med. Spam auto-attack pushing triangle here and there when needed. No enemy in the game will resist you. I killed the "ultimate" boss in the game that way and I ended up with five stars on my first try (after dying once or twice to figure out its attack pattern). It was by far the easiest "ultimate" enemy I' ve ever seen in a FF game.
Yup. Precisely. I bought the game to play it, not to watch a game playing itself. Would you enjoy playing Gran Turismo on constant auto-pilot, only being allowed to switch between gears ? And nope, the AI was far from perfect, especially when it came to resurrecting people. Trying to mix real-time and turn-based is as pointless as designing a chess game where both players play at the same time without ever being allowed to pause and think. The game keeps telling the player "Stop pushing buttons dammit !!! You don' t have time for that ****, just choose between attack, buff and heal and I' ll be fine without your meddling". I don' t want FF games to be dynamic, if I wanted to play a real-time RPG I' d play a Tales Of, Star Ocean or KH, they' re way funnier than FFXIII. My favorite FF are those that let me combine the jobs to create my own mix (FF5, FF7, FFTactics). FFX-2 already allowed players to change jobs on the fly and it was much funnier than FFXIII. Plus it had a decent list of jobs, not six basic jobs.
I meant it was an indication of the time left before the enemy attacks, as in FFXIII. And yes, if the gameplay is more or less the same as in FFXIII (real time single player over simplified gameplay) then I don' t need to play it to doom it. That' s the thing, "slightly" just won' t cut it for me. I may end-up buying a second-hand game out of curiosity for the story, but I sure won' t give a single cent to SE for such a gameplay. Regardless of the fact that it has nothing to do with what I call Final Fantasy I think it' s the dullest gameplay I' ve ever seen in a, urm ..., "RPG". Exactly. ^^ My hatred is entirely aimed at SE, don' t mind me.
Scientists seem to make progress in cybernetic more quickly than in IA programming, if they already manage to connect cyborg arms or eyes to humans how far are they from being able to connect a hard drive to a brain ? Spoiler [video=youtube;ppILwXwsMng]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppILwXwsMng&feature=related[/video] I fear "Deus Ex" or "Ghost In The Shell" will come to us quicker than "I robot".
There' s another available picture: Spoiler Paradigm Shift Com x Com Double trouble ... Serah as a playable character ... Transformer bees as enemies ... A tutorial that treats the player as a total moron :poke: ... I gather from the enemy countdown that battles are still in real time, which leads me to believe we' ll still control a single player ... ..............................................................................................................................................Do not want ............... Thank God SquareEnix said they would listen to the fans criticism ! :/gasp: