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  1. Patman
  2. Patman
    - About Batman : He told it to your best friend. Even though he' s a teenager I doubt he' s clueless enough to believe she wouldn' t tell you. Either he was serious but lacked the courage to tell it to your face or he lied. You should know better than me. Reading your post I get the feeling you might have sent him mixed signals, there arent fourty ways to clear things up : confront him about it. Whatever his reaction is you' ll be able to move on from there. You' re saying you don't want him to hurt you but then you cut yourself over the guy ? Paradox much ? What could you possibly have to loose by asking him ?

    - About school : As other people mentioned your life didn' t stop the minute you got kicked out. You can look for alternatives, I don' t know which country you' re from nor the way things work there but I doubt your problem doesn' t have a solution. Even if you end up doing a boring job there' s still a life outside of it. Been there, still am. Hell, even people who end up doing the job they wanted aren' t necessarilly thrilled about it in the end, every single job has its ups and downs.

    - About your familly : Tell your parents to grow up. Seriously. Their problems aren' t yours, nor should they be. If they can' t stop bickering for five freaking seconds, as you make it sound, then make an even bigger scene and tell them to stop it. Explain them that if they can' t act as the role model adults they' re suposed to be you might as well start acting as a 5 years old kid whose toy got stolen too. They like to play "who' s dumber" ? They' re both gonna loose.

    You probably noticed my advices involve you acting up. You can ask all the advices you want, help, change, isn' t gonna come from anyone but you. I have a hunch you might feel guilty or worthless for some reason.
    In case I' m right : you' re not, but hearing it from other people won' t help, if anything it will only further the guilt. You have to let go and live for yourself first. You ve got to stop paying too much attention to what others think or might think about you and start living for what YOU want and believe. I apologize if I sound judgemental, to be honnest I' m at a loss as to what I should say to someone who scars herself. I' m not so sure your teachers didn' t care, I think they freaked out. What you really have to deal with are the confidence issues behind your behavior. Again, you have absolutely nothing to loose, what people think of you and do will never matter half as much as what you think and do. No one has the key to your happiness but you, you' re the only architect of your own personal mind prison. The only way to get out is to start imagining the world as you want it to be and act on it (and maybe talking about your issues to a professional rather than total strangers over the net would be a good idea).
    Post by: Patman, Jul 6, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  3. Patman
    We can have both.
    Post by: Patman, Jul 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    You' ve got to give him credit though, he' s the first director (that I know of) who has the balls to "direct" a movie copying a pasting his own crap. People don' t watch anything but the giant robots (if they do they' re doing it wrong) so why bother ?


    No need to pause, this video features a whole sequence in slow-mo and still, I have no idea what happened in those shots, I just know a car exploded in the process.

    As much as I love The Matrix the trilogy does have its fair share of bad directing/writing choices.
    Seriously, who understood the second and third movies except geeks and philosophers ? The first time I watched them I was utterly confused. Cool fights though.
    The Transformers movies are the perfect opposite to The Matrix : the story is so simplistic that anyone will get it immediately, but the fight scenes are a mess.
    Post by: Patman, Jul 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    Call me crazy but I prefer the kind of dance that requires two people.
    Post by: Patman, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    Squenix' s upcoming interactive movie was shown at the Japan Expo in Paris today :

    They also announced the three score composers : Masashi Hamauzu ,(Final Fantasy XIII) Naoshi Mizuta (Final Fantasy XI) and Mitsuto Suzuki (The 3rd Birthday).
    Post by: Patman, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  7. Patman
    I don' t care what people (close to me or not) believe in as long as they' re tolerant and open-minded.

    You' re not talking about some random stranger here, you' re talking about your boyfriend. If you can' t speak your mind whenever he' s around then what' s the point of your relationship ?
    There' s faith, and then there' s dumb (blind) faith. My own two cents, if I may : do him a favor, treat him as someone who actually has a brain and don' t be afraid to challenge his viewpoints. Whether it changes him into an atheist, helps him towards finding true faith or makes you loose a moronic boyfriend it' s a win-win-win situation.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 27, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  8. Patman
  9. Patman
    In this realm, beyond time, Barbie finally found Xena ... :lolface:

    Edit Chevalier : I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. ^^
    I' ve read so many comments about Serah' s newfound "ultimate warrior" attitude being weird, given her overall attitude in XIII and her sugared wimpy pinky girly clothes, that I thought of making this picture.

    As for your Dawn Of The New World concern :
    "Main" doesn' t necessarily mean "permanent party members" though, in other interviews they said that there' ll only be "guests" to help Noel and Serah, so I' m a bit confused ...
    Post by: Patman, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  10. Patman
    Erm ... weren' t the original manuscripts in Hebrew ?

    The fact that some sentences were the subect of debate just proves my point, you can' t be absolutely certain that their translation is 100% accurate. Furthermore I' m pretty sure my interpretation of their translation would be quite different from yours, how could we know for sure which one of us is closer to "the truth" ?
    The truly wise man is the one who question himself and leads others to question themselves, the one who claims to have all the answers is obviously either a liar or deluded.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  11. Patman
    I don' t think he was talking about you, he erased the post that was right before his.
    Anyway, if your point being intolerant doesn' t prevent you to think it nonetheless let me put it this way : I don' t think anyone should venture into deciding who will go to Hell and who won' t, that' s up to God and no one else. Last time I checked judging others in His place was a sin, being intolerant in general was a sin too. The Bible can be interpreted in many ways, there' s absolutly no way to tell wich one is more correct than the other. What exactly makes you think your interpretation (i.e. not believing in Him can only lead to Hell) is necessarily the "correct" one ? A little humility can' t hurt, right ? ^^
    Post by: Patman, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. Patman
    Hey guys, I' m racist, I think anyone whose skin isn' t white is trash, but that' s just my opinion so that' s Ok, right ?
    Stating that something intolerant is just "what you believe" doesn' t make it any less offensive or intolerant.

    There are other alternatives, you know ?
    What about Muslims ? Buddhists ? What about Atheists who led a moral driven, happy life ?

    That sentence only means that believing Jesus is God is one way to "be saved", it certainly doesn' t mean it is the only way.

    I can see why the church would want their followers to believe it' s the only way, but I can' t see any valid logic to it. A truly loving and caring father wouldn' t burn his own child just because he doesn' t want his help. If God indeed exists I expect him to judge me on my acts, on the way I lived my life, whether I believed or not in a God who doesn' t visit or call me, like ... ever, seems quite irrelevant.

    If believing in God was indeed the only way to be saved why wouldn' t he show himself on TV every now and then ? It wouldn' t rob anyone of their free will (knowing that something is actualy true or actualy exists never impeded anyone' s free will), and everyone would be saved, two birds with one stone ! ^^

    "Aide-toi, Dieu t' aideras" (God helps those who help themselves).
    You have to believe in something to be happy and do something with your life, that much is true, I just don' t agree we necessarily have to believe in God.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 22, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  13. Patman
    He attacked me, but when he saw I was laughing at him he just sat in a corner an cried. Poor thing. ^^
    Post by: Patman, Jun 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    In the puppet analogy it would mean that the atheist puppet is the one whose behavior and thoughts are closest to God' s.
    (the atheist puppet acts as if it doesn' t have nor need a father, as does God)
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  15. Patman
    How about using magic to wield keyblades ? ^^

    You can' t get wimpier than Serah in FFXIII, and yet she' ll be fighting with swords and stuff in FFXIII-2, SE has never been bothered by such inconsistencies.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Patman
    I' m not sure that tea is any less healthy than water, if drank with moderation, but soda sure is a heath no-no so it' s a good thing that you grew tired of it. Drinking one glass of wine everyday is even healthier than just drinking water, btw.

    There' s lots of things that I liked when I was younger and don' t anymore, and vice-versa. Which is perfectly normal since our taste perception isn' t just linked to our taste receptors, it' s also linked to our psyche (that' s why nothing can beat the cake our dear mama cooked us when we were young). If two people who don' t have any particular eye deficiency watch the same obect they' ll perceive more or less the same color, but if you ask them to eat the same dish they won' t perceive the same taste at all.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Patman
    They thought the lifestream concept was enough to call the movie Final Fantasy. In FFSW the enemy is a ghost life-stream, in FFAC it' s geostigma, which is a diseased life-stream. In the end SW feels more like a James Cameron' s "Aliens" rip-off than a Final Fantasy. Meh.
    The best (and only good ?) scene of the movie was cut out btw :
    Post by: Patman, Jun 17, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Patman
    Nothing, just wait a while, but when you don' t know the "trick" watching the blood slowly reaching you while the door remains hopelessly locked is quite disturbing.
    That room is useless, it doesn' t hold any important item, but the first time you play the game you don' t know that (and you have to enter it once to figure out which one it is on the map).
    Post by: Patman, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  19. Patman
    Silent Hill 3, the mirror room. If you try to leave the room too soon the door is locked.
    Post by: Patman, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  20. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone