Erm ... he lives alone, he probably found out how to do it one way or another. ^^ What kind of job exactly ? Maybe laundry, cooking and cleaning is a good bargain after all, unless of course we' re just talking extras and that would be unacceptable, Christian or not (unless he' s a fifteen century Christian ?) I guess it' s OK if he just wants to split the charges though, not very classy but still ... Furthermore if he barely ever learned to cook anything decent unless it' s made with pasta you might end up wishing you were the one cooking. ^^ However if he' s really throwing some caveman thinking at you try to be nice when you explain to him why you shouldn' t have to do all this, I' ve got a hunch his two divorces aren' t entirely unrelated with this problem.
Oh boy, I' d better react piece by piece. I' m so happy to have a broken keyboard at the moment, it really helps a lot in lengthy conversations ... u_u I' m not sure she wanted to harden the reader' s heart, only real life death can do that and yes, real life death is pointless, especially in a war. Pointless killings on a whim, random accidental deaths and unashamed looting (mad-eye' s eye) ? Yeah, there was plenty of that during WW2 alright, ask my grandma. I for one was satisfied to see people falling here and there like flies, a single well-thought symbolical death by book just wasn' t enough to convey the horrors of war to me. It was an excuse to get Harry out of his comfort zone and to finally reveal Voldemort and Dumbledore back-stories, but then maybe you would rather have Dumbledore' s arc left unexplained ? ^^ I was puzzled with Voldemort condition from starters, this Horcrux story explained a lot of things, and it also made a good dictator metaphor. Voldemort is supposed to be a parallel to Hitler right ? The paranoid little nazi who searched everywhere for a magical or scientific way to ensure victory ? Isn' t a racist ultimately driven by his own fears and insecurities ? I also liked to see Harry get out in the real world and having no adults doing the dirty work for him anymore. No more food magically appearing on the table at lunch time, you go get it yourself, you' re a grown man now. Goodbye childhood, hello gloom and doom, war just wasn' t war when it was conveyed through a newspaper comfortably read in the common room while sipping tea. He most certainly bested his opponent, it just wasn' t your average comic book "see who' s got the biggest" contest. I don' t know who expected this kind of ending exactly but I certainly didn' t. Not that I don' t enjoy shonen stories, it' s just that up to this point the Potter stories were layered and I didn' t expect a basic unlayered final epic fight in the last book, that' s what the movies are here for. Sure, the Potter books aren' t bordering Victor Hugo level either, but for kids books they' re quite clever. At the end of the sixth book Harry was at the exact same point as in the first one, he was good at riding a broom and knew how to cast expelliarmus, those aren' t exactly über lethal assets. Sure, Harry also learned sectumsempra, but seeing the "power is a dangerous drug" metaphor woven into the whole sixth book I didn' t expect Harry to ultimately rely on that kind of power. At that point I had already figured out that Harry himself was a horcrux, I knew he was going to sacrifice himself one way or another in the end. Harry spent six books lowering to his opponent' s level (slitherin = evil, Harry had quite a big blind zone when it came to slitherin waters) so I was glad to see him mature in the last book. He left the black and white realm and discovered the grey area. Between the stand for what he believed in and the hollow race to power (the hallows) he made the "right" choice. While Harry magically resurrecting and besting his opponent thanks to love doesn' t make much sense on a literal level and probably seems incredibly corny to quite a lot of people I thought it was a nice metaphor. Wars aren' t necessarily won thanks to a single über warrior mice firing a bazooka at the lion, they' re won because a lot of mice stood for what they believed in and decided they were gonna risk their lives to "bite" the lion, as tiny as their bite might seem to be. To this day my grandma just can' t bring herself to talk to any German or any known collaborator' s child. When I explained to her the overall morale of the books and how Harry would never have had his way if he had exerted basic revenge on the Malfoys or Snape I nearly brought her to tears. I think she knows her "Germans are evil" attitude is wrong, it' s just a stance. Harry now has children who go to Hogwarts, another cycle begins, hopefully a happier one. He now also raises Ted which brings the story full circle. In short it' s a "they had children and probably lived happily ever after" ending, isn' t that how every fairy tale ends ? I don' t know what you expected exactly, a full fledged "what' s next" summary for every character ? Fred (or was it George ?) lost his twin brother, that' s something you just never entirely come to terms with. I couldn' t care less what job he chose or which woman he possibly married afterwards, Harry story came full circle and I don' t expect each character story to do so to consider the end of the tale has been properly reached. Overall Harry Potter has quite a lot of similarities with The Lord Of The Ring, I wonder if you felt cheated with its ending as well. It' s also the story of a nobody who makes a stand for the sake of love and friendship in an anti-climatic final fight, and ends up happy ever after while we barely know what any other character became (I' m talking about Sam, not Frodo). Everything else was just super-powered filler battles. Entertaining, sure, but filler nonetheless. Plus horcruxes-rings of power, Dumbledore-Gandalf, Snape-Malfoy-Gollum ...
- You have to hold the select button pushed to see the instructions about square mashing appear on screen when summoning a GF. - Ultimecia summons 3 random party members, if she summons useless members just kill them yourself and wait until they' re replaced with new, hopefully useful, members. Wait until you have the right party before fighting her cause the more you hurt her the tougher she gets. - The ultimate spells can all be drawn from invisible draw points on the map (island closest to hell/heaven, the no fight ability helps a lot for that). There' s also a paying ultima draw point at the Shumi Tribe village. Now that you' re lv 99 you can probably see that almost none of your stats are even close to the max (255) except your HP (9999), even when junctioned to your best magics, right ? Well now you know why I told you to use the stat boosting abilities at lv up when grinding. If you had you' d have 255 in 3 or 4 stats just junctioning lame magics to them, letting you junction ultima and co to other stats (like, say, speed) - If you have the Laguna card it can be refined into 99 objects that put any character in an INVINCIBLE state for several turns, if there' s any enemy in the game you don' t manage to beat using this you' re beyond helping. ^^ - Forget Eden or any GF, just spam Squall, Zell or Irvine limit breaks. If you have Squall' s best weapon pray for his last limit break to come up (it does around 180000 damage, but if you' re lv 99 you' ll have to throw several of those to bring Ultimecia down, she over 1000000 HP, maybe even more than 2000000) What I did was keep Squall constantly near dying in Aura state, spaming limit breaks, have Rinoa constantly healing herself and Zell/Irvine (or getting her and him invincible) since this helps surviving Utimecia' s mid-fight nervous breakdown, and have Zell/Irvine casting Aura or Booster, resurrecting Squall or using limit breaks. While Zell or Irvine' s HP have almost no influence over their limit breaks Squall' s limit break gets tougher when he' s badly hurt. Actually Quistis is a better choice than Rinoa as a healer since she can throw her Mighty Guard limit break, but meh, as long as you keep a healer character ready to heal and doing nothing else (just in case) you should be fine.
I edited my message with a video that' s still on. If you want to watch it that bad it' s out there, it took me 2 minutes to find it again.
Spoiler, Captain America final scene (The Avengers trailer) : [video=youtube;S46DiXSRTlg][/video] It will probably get deleted from you-tube veeeeery quickly.
I installed the "Adblock Plus" and "Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon" on Firefox, I don' t have ads anymore (not even on you-tube).
Actually it' s best to wait as much as you can to level up your favorite characters because the latest GFs of the game give you the complete level up stat boosting abilities set (strength up at level up, magic up at level up etc ...). If you already have the 3 abilities corresponding to the 3 stats you' d like to boost as much as possible then you' re ready to grind (you can' t equip more than 3 abilities at once, unless you manage to wait until you get Bahamut which lets you equip 4 abilities). Pro-tip : boosting the magic stat is utterly useless since magics are better left unused and linked to your stats. If you' re already lv 60 don' t panic, you can use Eden' s "devour" ability later on to boost any stat, it' s just very tedious (and honestly it' s not really required, I' m just a perfectionist). As for the best and quickest way to grind ... have you learned Quistis' s "degenerator" limit break yet ? If not check your items or refine some cards that give items you don' t already have, you should be able to learn it at this point. It allows you to instant kill almost every enemy in the game, it just doesn' t work on bosses. I you have it then keep a badly injured Quistis in your team, find a good grinding spot (one that has lots of single tough enemies for example) and spam the triangle button until she' s ready to throw a limit break. BTW, the ice rink isn' t a good spot, go to the Cerberus boss room a little further, the three-headed enemies there are tough but they give some awesome objects (you can steal and refine 100 of them into another object that teaches Quistis her last limit break or can be used for other cool things too), there' s a save point in the room and you won' t see some again for a looong while (plus you won' t encounter as many of them again as in this room).
Yeah, big surprise, he was a human being. It' s not like he hided his manipulative side, it was old news at this point. Remember how he handled people throughout the books, Fudge or Slughorn, for instance ? Harry even had a spectacular nervous breakdown about it in OOTP. Dumbledore was the general in this war, there has to be a manipulative leader at some point (at least he knows first hand how dangerous a game it is to play). Anyway, if he really didn' t care at all about Harry then why the hell was he waiting for him in "heaven" ? Plus a gay in heaven, how cool is that ? ^^
I still haven' t watched the Disney version but ... in the original Quasimodo is a rapist ******.
He hasn' t even thrown a year at which VsXIII could be released (and we all know he won' t start working on KH3 before Vs is released). A year ago he said that with FF XIII out of the way he' d be able to focus on Vs ... but then this week he said that the production of Vs hasn' t even begun ... Seriously wtf man ? The big news is ... there' s no news at all ? What the hell have you worked on for a whole year, pre-production ? You' ve had FOUR FRIGGING YEARS of pre-production already, was a fifth really that necessary ? Oh, and he also said that SE forbids him to talk about Vs while FF XIII-2 hasn' t been released (they must think talking about several games at the same time would prevent us to buy the next in line, dummies), so you can bet he won' t be allowed to talk much about KH3 until Vs is released either. Great.
Everyone already nailed the things that bugged me, except : Spoiler The Neville/Luna couple. I just can' t picture them together. Furthermore "Accio Quote" (a website dedicated to JK Rowling quotes) says : JK sees Neville and Luna as very different people. She says that, although they share a certain isolation within the walls of Hogwarts, this isn’t enough to foster true love. They may be friends but "Neville would always find Luna’s wilder flights of fancy alarming." I' ll always have more fun watching Neville twitching uncomfortably whenever Luna opens her mouth, as in the fifth movie, than picturing them together. ^^
I saw the movie yesterday at midnight. ^^ I was wondering why no one was talking about it, am I the only one here who already saw it ? It' s the advantage of Wednesday French movie releases I guess !
Here' s today Andriasang info tidbits rearding Kingdom Hearts : Could he get more vague ? The man has developed quite a habit of speaking in riddles about things no one really cares about while dropping some major spoiler bombs at the same time. "Honey could you give me XXX please ? I' ll give you a hint, XXX is neither the salt, the pepper nor the wine bottle. By the way, I' m cheating on you." Correct me if I' m wrong but hasn' t he said in the past that Sora wouldn' t be the hero of the next KH chapter ? I guess he changed his mind. However it' s strange from Nomura to spoil us about the fact that Sora won' t die in KH3 (I wasn' t really holding my breath about it but still, it was a possibility). Given Nomura' s history we' ll probably end-up with a Wii U tittle anyway ...
I just came out of the theater, I watched part 2. There' s a lot of narrative choices and changes from the book that bugged me, as in all the Potter movies since the third one (some changes make sense from a cinematic point of view while others just seem to come out of nowhere for no logical reason), but at least it' s the first Potter movie that didn' t bore me at all between action sequences, so I guess that' s quite a feat in itself.
That' s not enough, I burned some CDs that way and only a few ended up working (I swap CDs, no chip on my PS1). Someone told me there' s a special way to burn the CDs if you want them to work for sure, you should Google it (I know, it' s a mess, be patient or pray that someone more knowledgeable than me answers you ^^).
You' re welcome. Yup, it was awesome. I wonder how long the entracte is, I love Lost Odyssey musics (especially the main theme). The concert will probaby end up on you tube, I' ll link it later in case you want to hear the FF Concerto (a FF 4-5-6 medley). Edit : There, the Opening Fanfare is on you tube. [video=youtube;qc8-KCXyVAg][/video] Final Fantasy X (A Fleeting Dream) [video=youtube;VmRIG7aKfuk][/video]
1. Opening Fanfare 2. Final Fantasy (Concerto) I. Grave – Allegro II. Adagio Cantabile III. Allegro Molto 3. Kings' Knight (A Pretty Day Out) 4. Chrono Trigger (Silent Light) 5. The Final Fantasy Legend I & II (Main Theme and Save The World) 6. Final Fantasy X (A Fleeting Dream) Entracte 7. The Last Story (Spreading Your Wings) 8 Final Fantasy XIV (On Windy Meadows) 9. Blue Dragon (Waterside) 10. Lost Odyssey (Suite) I. Prologue (Main Theme) II. A Formidable Ennemy Appears! III. A Sad Tolten IV. Dark Saint V. Light for Blessing ~ A Letter VI. Epilogue (Main Theme Reprise) Interested ? Hurry up a tune in, it already began (Final Fantasy Concerto started a few minutes ago), here :
Ah, sorry. If she's not willing to drink and see what happens as a one-time experience deal then it would probably be a bad idea to party with them, indeed. She already has everything she needs to be open-minded towards Catherine anyway. Oh, and they wouldn' t be idiots for proposing something to her, they' d be idiots to not take no for an answer.
Catherine could have gone "look, homey gamers are all myopic anti-social no-fun nerdz, me not talk to loozerz, ozerwize me became loozerz too" but she didn' t. She ignored the stereotypes and looked what kind of person Misty actually is. Why then should Misty feel the right to not return the favor and go "drugz are bads, drugz consumerz ekualz loozerz, me not talk to loozerz" ? Not being into drinking is one thing, putting every drinker on the planet in a nicely reductive box labeled "loozerz I don' t wanna be friendz with, associated with, nor even respect, lol" is a whole other business. Drinkers, as gamers and many other stereotypes, come in all flavors ...
Most European PSP games can be played in the language you' ve set as your PSP system default language (I' m French but I' ve set my PSP on English, so far the only SE game I was forced to play in French was Crisis Core). Anyway, 3rd B wasn' t even translated in Europe, the only available language is English, you can buy any European version you want (btw, when in doubt buy British games : in terms of game releases they' re considered European territory, and their games can always be played in English).