Really? I'll have to try that the next time I redeem a code.
Sadly, that's not how it's been in the Humble Bundle in the past. I'm fairly sure that any and all Steam codes are only redeemable to your library.
I am not a loser.
I like the idea of a female Doctor, but I can't see a way that it could be done without making it seem like fanfiction. Yes, we've seen much weirder regenerations (including a "non-human" one thanks to Romana), but each of the Doctor's incarnations has been a humanoid male and it has been implied this is his preference. Unless something beyond the Doctor's control were to interfere with his regeneration, I would find it out of character for him regenerate as a woman. I would be just as happy with a female Doctor as I am with a male Doctor, but I can't think of a good way for it to happen.
Isn't Battlefield 3 mostly a pay to win game?
Don't die
3DS Max is made by Autodesk, right? They have a program that lets college students get full versions of most of their software on a student license. If you're in college and still interested in using 3DS Max for this, check it out.
Let's get this show on the road! GAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm a super taster, so I can't even stand that. I have such a sensitive tongue that when I still went to church, I could taste the alcohol in the wine that was probably around 75% water. It was really bitter.
Best insult of 2013 right here. You mean it's legal to fantasize about Misty now? Why didn't anyone tell me? Not that I would ever do that.
They should start knowing it.
Pg dn
Look at your join date again. It's been over a month.
Same difference.
This isn't a theory, it's an observation. It's made very clear in Kingdom Hearts that Sora's Keyblade originally meant to choose Riku and went to Sora because Riku's heart became weaker when he embraced the darkness. It went back to Riku in Hollow Bastion because Maleficent had helped him become stronger. Sora's speech later on got it to go back to him.
I used to think that, but then my life got all empty and sad, so I became a vicarious alcoholic. I'll be able to be a real alcoholic a little under a year.
Since I'm an admin now, I can change your usertitle to whatever I want, and I prefer "Banned Member" to "Banned."
BRB, abusing this.
That's my theory exactly. If we're right, the next Doctor will be the last unless Moffat pulls something ridiculous.