I think the anime is finally in the falling action stage. They didn't kill Butterflaizen, they just sealed him away. That's my understanding of it, anyway.
And it's impossible that you just never noticed?
Did you know that Jenny McCarthy has killed ~19.7 millihitlers worth of people? Marvel belongs to Disney, but it is not part of Disney. The same thing happened here.[DOUBLEPOST=1376172491][/DOUBLEPOST] They were making them way before that.
I donno, man, I'm gonna need some time before I can trust you not to misread things again.
Sexual orientation is a part of one's personality. In what language does that mean that it defines one's personality?
Is that what I said? Let's rewind and find out! Well what do you know? It's not what I said!
I love it! It's so bad.
Since when? Sexual orientation is part of one's personality. Are you saying that video game characters don't have personalities? That's racist.
Where and when was this stated, exactly? I've never heard anything of the sort and I'm hesitant to believe it without a reliable source. BY that, do you mean "human shaped" or "looking humans?" If the latter, that's not true. One of the forms that Ramona II tried out didn't look human at all.
Why wouldn't he? The majority of Time Lords have quite a bit of control over how they regenerate. Ramona changed forms at least three times before her second(?) incarnation "locked in," so to speak. Does the Doctor have some sort of disability? I've never seen any indication of that. Isn't it more probable that he just prioritizes sex and species over hair color?
Sadly, I don't have Castle Crashers. I'd play with you if I did, though!
I'm not really that into shounen manga. I find that the action/adventure/sports/etc. genre is better suited to anime, even when it's an adaptation. I remember liking the Yu-Gi-Oh GX manga, though. As for my favorite artist, I like Puyo for his work on The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan. It's not shounen, but I think it's still relevant.
The fangirls would like to have a word with you.
Just be sure to leave a few hunks for me, okay? *Achoo* Wh-what's going oooonnn?
I love how they're advertising it like Final Mix is a brand new thing. It's like they decided to forget that we've been aware of it for years.
Keyblade Spirit cares.
Wait, when did this happen? The discussion, not GS being GS again. Also, it's Keyblade Spirit.
HEY EVERYONE! LLAVE DOESN'T HATE ME! But seriously, thank you dude.
That's not even close. As I mentioned in my own post, we've seen similar and even more unusual regeneration in other Time Lords. That's kind of close, but not really. What I meant was that the Doctor seems to prefer the form of a human male (just look at Eleven's reaction when he thinks that he became a woman) and I can't think of a good reason (story-wise, that is) why he'd decide to go female. The most straightforward way of doing it would be to create a situation in which a real, Gallifreyan female Time Lord is required to save the world, but that would make the "big twist" way too apparent. Making Capaldi's Doctor transgender male-->woman would also be a way of doing it, but that would be really hard to do without making it seem like a major ass-pull. I'd also like to mention that no matter what the Doctor's sex is, he'll always be a man in my eyes. Even if the Doctor were to become female, I'd still see him as a man unless there's some kind of establishing character moment to show that the Doctor has truly become a woman rather than just a female.