[video=youtube;EAV3t8kteRE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAV3t8kteRE[/video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAV3t8kteRE Dang that dictionary. Much harder to defeat then I thought lol. Then agian, I was only level 16.....
I am going to try agian at level 25. If it fails, then I will probably try hacking XD
I would, however there are rules to hacking. These rules are pretty much universal to the hacking world. And rule number one is no hacking untill...
lol Dude, he has killed me fifty something times! (Of coarse, its mostly my fault for being so persistant XD)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daJ-FkawBzc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daJ-FkawBzc
I am one level short of being level 20. I got a step further with Zexion however :D I will be throwing the book at him in no time! :D
Indeed I do. I found a few glitches there :D They are all fixed in final mix however XD The only thing I dont like are the car heartless. They...
lol indeed. You like Timeless River? :D
lol Fair enough. I was level 16 when I recorded that. I am going through timeless river and Disney castle. So when I am done, I should be about...
lol What do you mean they sound wierd? They are speaking plain english, the very same as in any american game XD Unless you mean it sounds chopy....
lol Why not, you said the pizza was your treat! XD And I aint sharing with Zexion.... D:...
lol probably about... 40 bucks. A normal pizza costs about $10. And there is bacon, sausage, and peperoni, and buffalo. So four pizzas put in one XD
Meat for the win! :D If it were up to me, I would just walk up to the counter, look at the guy and say "I want you to pile my pizza several inches...
Pizza! :D What is your favorite type of pizza? :D
I worked on a video game, played Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix, techy stuff, mods for minecraft, my usual stuff to occupy myself lol (You have bad...
I am sorry, but I must go to bed. My parents are complaining its almost morning XD Night man.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? ugh, fine. *I land fine* *you plumit to your death* "I CAN FIX IT!" *makes time machine* *goes back before the plane...
*we both jump out of the plane* *Parachutes go off* "Wee! :D"
"We're not gonna make it! I repeat; we are not going to make it! D:" *past me sees parachute* "yes we are! Put this on!" *put on parachutes*
But see, here is the thing: You died in the plane crash. If I go back before the plane crash I can give past me and past you parachutes. If you...